Time and again, you hear of a missing person's report and killings of individuals who had gone to link up with someone they met on a dating site. The risk is even high with our minority group; they have been instances where some of us have been beaten up, raped, or even killed for being who we are.
All in all, this shouldn't put a halt on our quest to find someone who will love, care, and cherish us. Online dating is a new way of meeting people, and it is here to stay. The next time you download a new Transgender Dating App for Android or Transgender Dating App for iOS, ensure you uphold safety when using the app.
A laptop, phone, or tablet can't show you a person's true nature; it will mask who they are. Below is a way to help you navigate the use of a transgender dating site safely.
Unfamiliar photo
In filling in your details, don't use the same profile photo you use in other social media accounts; use one which is unique and not on any social media platform.
Do not disclose your personal information
When creating your profile, leave out all details that can point out who you are, such as social media handles, contact information, etc.
Use the app
It is advisable to keep all communication through the app; you may find someone, and after a couple of dates, start to feel comfortable and decide to take the conversation out of the app. Yes, it is convenient to do so, but it is also dangerous. When the relationship doesn't work out, you are safe since the other party doesn't have your number; maintaining communication inside the app offers you protection until you fully know the person.
Get a Google phone number
After going on a few dates with this person, it's only normal to change numbers eventually. You can set up a Google phone number and forward it to your phone; this is safe than giving your cell phone number.
Be cautions when meeting
While using a dating site for trans woman, you always have to be on high alert. It's not advisable to let someone you have met online to know where you live. When you guys have a date, meet in a public place and use your means of transportation. Before going out for the date, let someone close to you know where you are going and how long the date will last. During the date, share any alarming scenario or any change of plan with a friend or relative.
Don't leave your drink halfway when using the restrooms, every time you walk out, ensure you have finished your drink or food, or get a fresh one. The first few dates are advisable to keep them short. At any point, you feel your safety is compromised exit the date immediately.
Put your safety first when using a transgender dating site to look for a lifetime partner. There are many creepy people out here hiding behind their keyboards.
When a transgender woman finally agrees to a first date, you will definitely be on cloud nine. However, now comes the tricky part: Where do you go on your first outing together? Being prepared for your first date is crucial to its success. The first date should be casual, but not so laid back that it seems unplanned.
Your first date with a transgender woman should give you a chance to chat and get to know each other more. Therefore, you should choose a place with a good atmosphere that gives the two of you a chance to converse freely. If you do not have any ideas for a good first date location, continue reading the following tips to find one.
Finding a Trans Girlfriend Online
This is the simple yet rewarding location for a first date. Choosing a good bar can be a little tricky, so choosing a location with a relaxed or intimate atmosphere is best. An ideal bar for the first date should be dimly lit and relatively quiet. This works well because it creates a good ambiance and actually allows you to hear each other during conversation.
Coffee Date
Meeting for coffee is another great first date idea. If you are on a tight budget, this is ideal because coffee is relatively inexpensive. The simplicity of a coffee date is another positive attribute because, with fewer variables, your date is more likely to end successfully. Given that coffee dates are almost always in the morning or afternoon, it makes things a bit more casual and friendly than an evening date. However, if you want to increase the romance, you can choose a coffee shop with a more intimate vibe.
Dinner At A Restaurant
A dinner date is one of the best ways to add a bit of romance to your first date with a transgender woman. Although this idea sounds like a no-brainer, many people actually get it wrong because they pick the wrong venue. For example, it is highly recommended that you avoid fancy restaurants because your date might expect nothing short of five-star treatment on every date. Keep things relatively casual, to begin with, and save the fancy places for special occasions.
Amusement Park
A day at an amusement park is another perfect first date
idea. It provides you and your partner with plenty of time to talk and have
fun. When people have fun, they tend to let their guard down. As a result, you
will get to know more about your date as a person. Additionally, unlike the
other ideas, being at an amusement park offers many opportunities for physical
contact with your date.
Gender is a societal construct. It enables people to assign a particular set of characteristics and attributes to a person based on their biological makeup. Many people think gender is biological. But it is simply not. There are people who are born as female biologically but they identify with the male gender. They begin to experience gender dysphoria at some point in time.
Those who experience gender dysphoria get abrupt mood swings; they get anxious for no visible reason at all. Life becomes very difficult for them as they are unable to fathom the source of their unhappiness. They are often diagnosed with mental illnesses and put on medication.
It is only when they realize that the source of all their agony is their biological gender which is different from the gender, they mentally identify with that they start considering some action to live the life they have always wanted to live.
Not all of them take the path of surgery to transition from female to male. Some try to change their look and appearance by dressing and overall behaviour. Irrespective of their biological makeup, they come out as a man in front of society.
But many choose to medically transition from a female to a male. A medical transition increases their chances of passing off as a male in society by multiple times. It also makes them somewhat less vulnerable to societal discrimination and abuse as they develop the outward manifestations of the gender they mentally identify with.
Gender Reassignment Surgery enables this transformation from female to male. There are many components of this surgery. There is the Mastectomy or top surgery that is typically the first surgical procedure performed on somebody who wants to transition from female to male. Many people opt just for Mastectomy and escape other procedures altogether.
Mastectomy helps in getting rid of the unwanted breast tissue and gives your chest that flat, manly appearance. There are a number of techniques involved in this procedure. Depending on your body structure and the results that you are looking at, a combination of these techniques may be utilized.
Then, there is the bottom surgery known as RFF Phalloplasty. In this surgery, the skin and veins from the forearm are used to construct a male phallus. There is another technique known as ALT Phalloplasty that can also be used to create a male penis. This technique utilizes skin and vein from the thighs instead to construct a male phallus.
Then there are other procedures also which a person transitioning from female to male might choose to undertake. There is Facial Masculinization Surgery and there is Body Masculinization Surgery.
Facial Masculinization Surgery has a set of procedures that can be used to give a more manly and chiseled appearance to the face. Body Masculinization Surgery is ideal for those who want to transform their body type to a more masculine type. It is a kind of liposuction technique that reduces a feminine hourglass figure and creates a masculine physique. This procedure can get you quite close to the ideal male figure that includes broad shoulders, trim waist and very less body fat in the lower body.
The medical procedure is just a part of transitioning. Transitioning from female to male is a complex process that has a social and psychological angle to it. You have to totally transform your identity in front of society. And for that, you have to mentally very strong, confident and be proud of your new identity.
There are a couple of tips you can follow in order to make your journey from female to male easier and less hassle-free.
Be Proud of Your Identity
You have to accept yourself before other start accepting you as a man. Societal discrimination and apathy are a part and parcel of transitioning. Do not let that intimidate you. You have to tell yourself that it’s perfectly normal to identity with a gender that is different from the one assigned to you at birth time.
Once you are comfortable with your identity, it’s important to go even a step ahead and celebrate it. Remember that you are unique and different. And it’s the habit of society to criticize everything that is unique and out of the box. But once they realize how valuable that thing is, they get crazy about it. That’s the way society works. So, once you start becoming proud of your identity and begin to revel in it, societal apathy will mean nothing to you.
People who are trying to make you conscious will shut up because you are not getting conscious! Accepting yourself is the first step in your journey of transition from female to male.
Begin Your Transformation by Coming Out
People in your immediate circle need some time to get used to the male you. Your new life as a male might be unexpected for your friends and family, even if they support your decision. So, start by coming out as soon as you can. Take folks who are close to you into confidence. Tell them clearly about your newfound identity and the life you are going to live from now on.
This might be difficult because you might have a family that has issues with your identity. You are probably scared that they will not accept this. Well, you have to learn to be a bit tough here. It’s your life and your choice. You can try and convince your family for sure but you have to be willing to go solo. For someone who has a woman’s body biologically, declaring that from now on, they are going to live and behave like a man in front of their family is not going to immediately get them the understanding they deserve.
Your family might be even hostile to you when you come out in the open. So be prepared for anything. It is very important to have a set of people who genuinely support you and your identity. These people will become a bridge between you and society. They can be your friends, relatives, family members, anyone.
But it’s important to come out in the open with your identity because even after your transformation, your friends and family will take time to get used to the new you. Social acceptance will be a slow process. You have to just keep going on. Do not be disheartened by temporary troubles or roadblocks. As long as you are consistently embracing your new life as a male, it’s all good.
Start Dressing and Behaving Like a Guy
This is a very important component of your transitioning. Even if you are mentally prepared to undergo a transition and have come out in the open, it can be very difficult to discard those old mannerisms you have been so used to.
You feel like a guy. You know it in your heart that you are a man. But if you continue to dress in women’s clothes, people around you would obviously not accept your masculinity. So, it is important to change your outward appearance too.
Begin to dress in men’s clothes. Start observing the behaviour of guys around you. Pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, the way they walk. These little cues will help you learn how to project a masculine image.
The internet too can give you a lot of information on how to incorporate masculinity in your day-to-day behaviour. For buying men’s clothing, check out what other guys on the street are wearing. And then pick clothes that would suit your appearance and build and would highlight your masculinity.
You might feel a bit awkward at first but if you keep at it, you will soon get used to it. And there will come a time when behaving like a man will come naturally to you. It won’t seem like you are acting or trying too hard. You already felt like a man in your heart. But with time, you will automatically start behaving like one externally as well.
Look for Professional Help
Your physical transformation is a very important part of transitioning. Of course, whether you want to undergo a medical transformation or not is totally your call. But if you are constantly anxious about not looking like a man enough physically, then surgery can help you get rid of that confusion.
You should first consult a therapist who would help you figure out the emotional and psychological problems you might be going through. The idea of transitioning from female to male can throw anyone’s mind into chaos and confusion. It’s a difficult state to be in. Your body is craving for an identity that is different from the biological identity assigned to you at birth. All this can get very complicated for your mind. So, a therapist will help you with the emotional and mental aspect of your transitioning.
Then you should look for a reputed and professional doctor who can offer you the best advice on the probable route you should follow for physical transformation from a female to male.
How often have you seen someone exuding confidence and thought to yourself, I wish I could feel like that? Walking about feeling safe and secure in your skin, being certain of your place in the world, and your identity as an FTM transgender individual – if that seems out of your reach, you aren’t alone.
Chances are, you want to not simply survive but thrive as a trans guy, both in private and on online dating sites for transgender folks and allies. While there are many tools you need to have in your metaphorical self-care kit, building confidence is chief among them.
What exactly is confidence?
Before we dive into a list of tips and suggestions on how you can build it, we first need to define what we mean when talking about confidence. Self-confidence often overlaps or is used as a synonym for self-esteem or self-efficacy. While there are similarities, it is interesting to note the differences, too:
– Self-efficacy:
Refers to your belief about your own abilities regarding specific tasks. Self-efficacy basically is the real-life concept that corresponds with the famous Henry Ford quote: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
– Self-confidence:
Meanwhile, reflects your general belief about how likely you are to fulfill a goal. Your past experiences play a huge role in both self-efficacy and self-confidence, but self-confidence refers to a broader view instead of focusing on specific tasks.
– Self-esteem:
While often used interchangeably with self-confidence, is quite different from it. Self-esteem reflects your belief in your overall worth as a person. Viewing yourself as a “good guy” is a statement of self-esteem, for instance. In that, it is even broader than self-confidence, and improving your confidence will help your esteem, too.
Obviously, the lines between them are blurry, and there is no linear trajectory you can follow. You may have enough confidence to think you’re capable of learning to make bread, yet at the same time lack self-efficacy and you assume your first attempts will be horrible. And whether or not you can bake a killer loaf, you hopefully still think that you deserve love and happiness.
Why is building confidence essential for FTM trans guys?
Insecurities and self-doubt are core components of ill mental health and poor well-being, so finding ways to improve your confidence will definitely help you.
As a trans guy, whether you identify as FTM, genderqueer, nonbinary butch, or else, building self-confidence can be especially tough. Questioning societal standards and stereotypes of what it means to be “manly” and finding your own way takes a lot of energy, perseverance, and yes, confidence.
So how do you build it? Think of it as a muscle: you need to train it to strengthen it.
Here are several useful tips you can choose from and try for yourself. See what works for you and maintain it until it becomes second-nature to you. Your confidence will never falter again.
Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Even if the mean voices in your head (or on the internet) want to tell you otherwise, everyone has unique skills, both hard and soft, as well as talents in various areas of your life. Likewise, you will have areas in your life you do not excel at.
While many of these will remain the same after your female-to-male transition, some may have changed. As a rule of thumb, make sure that you know what you are good at and what your weaknesses are. Once you understand these areas, you will have a clearer mental image of yourself and what you will need to improve your self-confidence.
Be a Friend to Yourself
Unfortunately, some FTM trans men are their own worst enemy. It is impossible to build your self-confidence if you are the one constantly putting yourself down. If you want confidence and high self-esteem, you need to foster an attitude of love and acceptance.
When a negative thought arises, ask yourself: “Would I say this to about my best friend to their face?” Catching yourself when your inner voice turns self-deprecating is the first step to stop the habit. Once you notice it, actively work against it. If you think, for example, “I didn’t manage all I wanted to do today, I’m such a loser”, and notice it, tell yourself that you are human and some things take more time than anticipated. You tried, and that’s what’s important.
Remember and Celebrate Your Successes
Please steer clear of grievous mistakes like downplaying your success or only focusing on what you are struggling with. Such an attitude will not help you build self-confidence. Focusing on the negative aspects of your life will only drag you further down. However, if you create a habit of celebrating your successes (no matter how small they are), you will soon feel more confident.
These celebrations can take various forms: taking a walk for yourself, giving yourself a break to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, spending time with a friend to cheer for your achievement, or simply giving yourself the satisfaction of crossing the item off your to-do list for the day.
Remove Things That Bring You Down
Out of sight, out of mind – this affects reminders of your shortcomings or of negative experiences as well. Be sure to hide or get rid of items that evoke negative thoughts when you see them.
Beyond the shirt you wore to that horrible breakup, these things can be as varied as mean friends, a job you hate, or a habit you have gotten into. Reflect on the impact these have on your life and eliminate them for good.
Smile At Yourself In The Mirror
Looking at your reflection can go a long way in helping you accept yourself. When you do, be sure to smile. If you do this every day, you will feel happier and more secure in yourself over time due to something called “facial feedback theory”. The expression on your face has been shown to help your brain register and intensify the emotions it perceives on your face.
Improve Your Posture
Just like smiling at yourself, sitting up straighter, or striking a “power pose” has been proven to boost confidence in studies. It might feel awkward at first, but remember that stepping outside your comfort zone is a core component of your journey towards more self-confidence.
Do Not Compare Yourself To Others
Every person is unique. Just because this FTM person achieves a very masculine appearance and maybe has better muscle definition than you does not mean you have ‘failed’ at being FTM. You differ in your genetics, your socio-economic backgrounds, and much more – focus on yourself and don’t measure your progress against that of others. Easier said than done, sure, but so essential to keep in mind.
Take Risks
There is no better way of building self-confidence than taking risks. Taking risks shows – mainly to yourself – that you are confident in yourself and your abilities. If you now think you have to do something scary or dangerous to achieve this, think again: Simply getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new counts as a risk in terms of building self-confidence.
In essence, this point is all about living your life to the fullest. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to try and do. Learn how to skateboard? Sign up for a transgender dating site? Strike up a conversation with a friendly-looking stranger? Sure, you might find that you do not like the outcome of something you do, but you may forever regret not giving yourself the opportunity to try. Your self-confidence will definitely thank you!
Be Persistent
At the end of the day, there is no miracle cure for low self-confidence. There is no pill you take or action steps you follow once and overnight, you are filled to the brim with confidence. It truly takes time and effort to build up. Therefore, you should be persistent, see mistakes your make as learning opportunities to help you avoid repeating them in the future, and never give up. If you lose sight of the journey, don’t beat yourself up. Life happens, we get busy. Simply get back on track and resume your self-confidence practice.
On a final note, if you are struggling with self-confidence and do not know where to start, find a trusted friend with whom you can share your troubles. Having a strong support system will help you be more confident and give you the foundation you need to begin building confidence on your own.
Get ready for the most fun you’ve had in forever! Once you feel confident enough, it’s time to sign up for an ftm dating site. There are many transgender dating apps out there, and platforms that facilitate online dating for trans women, men, and others have increased. You have ample space to search for other trans singles or trans allies who are looking for a serious relationship.
If chatting with potential dates is outside your comfort zone… treat it as practice for your self-confidence boosting journey! You might find the perfect partner without expecting to.
When you start, online dating holds a lot of excitement: Here you are, on a ts dating site , about to dive into an ocean of possible matches. Especially for those who are not yet committed to any relationship that is romantic in nature, the ‘hunt’ part of online dating comes with its unique sense of thrill.
Too bad that for most people, connecting with potential partners via ts dating apps or platforms has its limits. Who doesn’t know the feeling when the exciting chatter with a new match or contact gives way to tedious and monotonous discussions of topics you’ve covered again and again? In case you are new to online dating, be prepared to make such experiences.
While chatting online with people you cannot see, communicating only via text messages and emojis, can become boring very quickly due to the nature of the conversation, another risk you face every time you open your ts dating app is the ‘what’ you talk about. Too many times, a lovely and wonderful meeting in the virtual room of a site has devolved into tedious accounts of the respective person’s day. If there were a rewards or points program that gave you a penny each time someone asks you, after a gap in communication, “How are you?” or “How was your day?”, we would all be millionaires already.
Don’t misunderstand, though: Sharing details about your day and your life has its place in online dating. How someone replies to “How was your day?” tells you a lot about what this person values in life.
Yet if they say the same thing for three days in a row, or their replies grow shorter by the minute, then you know you have hit boredom territory.
Since yes, chances are high that your date or chatting partner also shares this sense of listlessness while engaging with you. If you don’t act now, you might ruin what could have been the start of a great romantic journey for yourself. Therefore, you have to ensure that you keep every online date you have as memorable and fun as possible, both for your sake and your partner’s.
Easier said than done, however. There is a certain degree of creativity needed in order to spice up your conversations, especially if you haven’t seen the hide nor hair of the person you are talking to. And while you might consider yourself quite the open-minded, flexible person who could excel at an improv class if these were still a thing (at least in person), you might eventually run out of ideas as well.
This is why we have gathered a list of tips that can help you turn those monotonous conversations into memorable and delightful moments of the budding romance.
Tips on how to get creative with trans dating online:
– Share meaningful details
When the inevitable question of “How are you?” or “How was your day?” arrives in your inbox, consider one-word replies banned for life. Think about the reasons instead: Why do you want to say you’re fine? Why was your day just okay, as opposed to great or wonderful? Add these tidbits to your answer. Being honest will motivate your online dating partner to reply in kind.
– Speaking of honesty: be truthful
You signed up for this transgender dating app or this trans dating site to find a real connection and long-term romantic partnership. Leave the posing and flexing for hook-up culture. Admit to driving an ancient car because it is more fiscally responsible. Own your career trajectory, wherever it has led. Share your struggles with your identity (especially on dating sites for transgender women, men, and other folks). Only if you are honest will you find people who share your values and outlook on life, which is the basis for a successful relationship.
– Ask questions
Even if you are nervous or unsure if it is okay with the other person to simply pose questions, this will help get conversations going. Most people love talking about themselves, so seize that to your advantage. Think about what you would most like to know and start with that.
– Think of new topics to talk about
Yes, this might be a no-brainer, but all too often, online chats are centered on just telling each other what you have done for the day. If you go for this strategy every time, both you and your date are going to lose interest soon enough. So off you go! Find new topics that are interesting enough to help you talk with your date at length and with vibrancy. The first and best place to start is, of course, the other person’s profile. Check out their interests and hobbies. If none are listed, put on your detective hat and inspect the photos they uploaded. Look for the context, and ask about it.
– Use outside resources
Once you have exhausted the new topics you thought about, there is nothing wrong with involving outside help. This can come in the form of a fun news article or blog post that caught your eye, or simply a trailer for a new series or the announcement of a new album by a band you or your chatting partner cares about. You will be surprised how such a little gesture can bring you closer together and kick-start a passionate discussion.
– Expand your repertoire
As in, surprise your dates once in a while! Show them something they do not expect to see when you start the chat. It may be a video of you singing their favorite song, or a photo of your pet (or child) delivering a thoughtful or funny message. By sprinkling in surprises into your online dating chats, your potential partners will always look forward to receiving a notification that they have a new message. It might also, in turn, inspire them to reply in kind and think of surprises for you.
– Embrace your inner child
Not necessarily by talking about your childhood interests (although that can be a fascinating topic all on its own), but by being silly together. Yes, even when you are only conversing online you can have fun with antics and banter. You can post photos of yourself wearing crazy headpieces and costumes. You can play games as if you are together. You can compete with each other about who can tell or find the funnier jokes. Do not think that, just because finding love online is a serious topic, that you need to stay ‘on brand’ with that tone all throughout your online dating experience.
– Go beyond simple chatting
Of course, you will want to limit your online dates to messaging or the occasional voice message at the beginning. Yet once you are comfortable and, most importantly, have established a foundation of trust with the other person, make use of the many opportunities that technology has already developed. Hop on a video call – or plan on for a time that fits both you and your date’s schedules – and allow your match to hear your voice and see your face. This would help you carry on conversations for a long time without becoming easily tired of having to type everything you want to say. Needless to say, this also opens up your dates to new possibilities, like a shared dinner over video chat or a game you both enjoy.
– Flirt!
Seriously, get that charm on and use it to your advantage. Only if that is your talent, though. Awkward moments are inevitable, but you don’t need to ask for them. As an alternative, simply be your nicest self. Respect the other person and show you appreciate them taking the time to engage with you.
As you can see, there are so many ways through which you can improve your experience on ts dating sites. You do not have to limit yourself just because the nature of online dating has you taking through a keyboard without a visual of the other person. Be creative and let your mind rule over your physical boundaries.
But hang on… how do you know what is the right strategy to use?
A valid question, the answer to which depends on the respective situation. Think about how your date engages with you and determine which vibe you are getting from them. Serious or playful? Cheery or restrained? This can give you an idea of how to start being more creative with online dating. Once you have begun, do not be afraid to experiment. Try out different approaches and see how your potential partner reacts. This will help you practice, give you more insight into the person you are communicating with, and help filter out those who definitely don’t fit your expectations.
And hey, if you have exhausted all options and are at the end of your list of ideas, it might be time to genuinely take the experience offline! Sure, that’s another thing that is so easily said but poses challenges when it comes to execution. But if you apply the same creativity to this step, you will certainly find a way that fits both your and your date’s lives and personalities.
If you are a FTM transgender guy looking for love, you got to check out a trans dating site or a transgender dating site. Once you’ve figured out which transsexual dating site serves the best purpose for you, the next step is to then get registered on that site and start communicating with potential love interests. As a trans guy, you are also vulnerable to threats and abuse online. In order to address this issue and have a secure internet network, you must consider looking for the best VPN service around. A Virtual Private Network service can ensure a fully private connection.
Being a FTM transgender guy is not that easy. Transitioning is such a challenging process and it saps so much of your physical and mental energy. While you are transitioning and even after that, your mind is preoccupied with the procedure. It’s like you whole word has turned down upside down. You are excited, confused, exhilarated, euphoric, scared, everything in one go. It is natural that when your mind is a site of such conflicting emotions, it is difficult to give your 100 percent to dating and relationships. But that aspect of your life is also important. Everybody needs a partner for their physical, mental and emotional fulfilment.
As a FTM transgender guy, it is important to keep certain things in mind before you start dating someone. Whether you’ve met them through a trans dating app or a trans dating app, it’s important to make sure that your concerns about your own life trajectory do not interfere with the course of your dating and relationship.
Here are a few tips that will help you navigate the complex waters of dating and a relationship as a FTM transgender guy.
Do Not Let Your Transitioning Process Overtake the Relationship
For a FTM transgender guy, transitioning is mentally and physically demanding. It can be very intense and can leave him with little or no energy to concentrate on anything else. But he has to be really tough and tell himself that his relationship is also a priority and he will give full attention to it even during transition.
A FTM transgender guy is very lucky if their partner is compassionate and understanding. But one cannot take undue advantage of that understanding. You have to realize that it cannot be always about you and your issues. A relationship works well only when it is about both individuals. Even during transitioning, spend quality time with your partner. Pay attention to their life, goals and achievements. All your conversations cannot be centred around the issue of your transitioning and identity. If that is your only topic of conversation, your partner will feel neglected at some point in time. And the whole relationship would become a drag and a burden.
So, create some boundaries and respect those. Maybe your partner had a super exhausting day at work. Maybe, they just need to relax a little and hear some kind and loving words from you. So be considerate of their needs and behave accordingly. Converse on some lighter topics to lift up their spirits. Just watch a movie together or listen to some music. Your partner has invested a lot in this relationship and they are as concerned about your transitioning as you are. But you have to remember that their needs and desires are also important.
So as a FTM transgender guy, just try to create that fine balance. Don’t get over obsessed with your transitioning woes. Have empathy and understanding for your partner, just like they care for you and your life.
Avoid Over the Top Masculine Behaviour
Some FTM transgender guys get really conscious about their masculinity. They want to fit as well as they can into the societal normative framework of masculinity and in order to do so, they often resort to stereotypical masculine behaviour. Resist the urge to do so.
Exhibiting over the top masculine behaviour like shouting at your partner or trying to dictate terms to them or refusing to do households chores can actually backfire and eventually ruin your relationship. Masculinity is attractive only as long as it is balanced and rooted in rationality. In this modern-day and age, nobody wants to be with a guy who is over-aggressive, ruthless and gets into a temper every now and then.
When you are in a relationship, it is equally important to lay bare your vulnerabilities. The tough guy act doesn’t always work. If you are overwhelmed, it’s alright to cry in front of your partner. If you have said something wrong to them or done something wrong, it’s alright to apologize. All these things will not make you any less of a man. On the contrary, your partner will respect and love you even more for being the kind and compassionate guy they always dreamt of.
Times are changing fast and so is the definition of a real man. A real man of the 21st century is gentle, kind, considerate and is not afraid to show his vulnerable side. He is as tough a soldier when it comes to protecting his partner or lover and taking care of them. But in his day-to-day demeanour, he is gentle and loving, not imposing. Once a FTM transgender guy understands all this, he will realize there is no need to resort to over-the-top masculine behaviour.
Join a Transgender Forum
A transgender forum is a valuable resource dedicated to the trans community. It has a lot of information and views on typical issues faced by transsexual people across the world. So, a transgender guy just about to start his dating life should definitely consider joining a transgender forum.
A transgender forum can also connect him with other members of the trans community. As a FTM transgender guy, you can always learn from their experiences. You can also read some specific articles on transgender dating written by experts. Alternatively, you could also go through a transgender blog that will again offer you valuable insights into the world of trans dating.
Before you join a transsexual dating site or a transgender dating app, it’s better to be equipped with some basic knowledge of how you should go about communicating with a potential love interest. The internet these days has a plethora of valuable resources that can be of valuable help to a FTM transgender guy looking for a potential date.
Communicate Your Concerns
Whether you’ve started seeing someone through a transgender dating app or a trans dating site, it is obvious that as a FTM transgender guy, you have some concerns. Feel free to share those concerns with your partner.
You have some emotional concerns with regard to how your partner perceives you, how they view your transitioning and if they judge you for being a FTM transgender guy. You might even feel awkward about sharing such concerns with your partner. But it’s absolutely fine. When you are in a relationship with someone, you have the full right to know if they are comfortable with your individuality and identity.
Unfortunately, society doesn’t judge transgender people very kindly. So, it is obvious that as a FTM transgender guy, you have some apprehensions about whether your partner is really comfortable with your identity. Just talk it out. Talking about these things will make your relationship even stronger. Or in the worst-case scenario, you will realize that you are not with the right person before you go too deep into the relationship. Both ways, you will benefit.
It is also important for a FTM transgender guy to communicate his sexual concerns to his partner before they decide to take the relationship to the next level. Tell your partner candidly about things that you are comfortable about and those that you are not so comfortable about in a physical relationship. If there are certain body parts you don’t like being touched, just tell them categorically.
Whether you’ve met someone through a transsexual dating app or a transgender dating site, it’s important to have an honest conversation with your partner before the two of you decide to go physical.
If It Doesn’t Work, Just Walk Away
Not all relationships are meant to work. Let’s accept it. Finding love often involves a series of hits and trials. So as a FTM transgender guy, if you’ve tried your best to make the relationship work but it still isn’t, then it’s perhaps better to quit.
Quitting can be very painful, especially if you have so many fond memories with the person concerned. But when a relationship turns toxic and abusive, there is no other way out. Some relationships start out very well but turn toxic down the road. There are others where you get warning signs from early on that this is not going to work for you. Whatever be the scenario, it’s better to just leave when you realize that a relationship is becoming a source of agony and pain for you.
At the end of the day, your peace of mind and mental health is most important. While a good relationship can do wonders for your emotional and mental health, a bad one can ruin you mentally. As a FTM transgender guy, you already have a lot to cope with. Maybe, you are still trying to sort things out with your family. Not all your friends have accepted your new identity yet. So in between all this mess, you really don’t want to suffer a toxic and abusive relationship. And you don’t deserve that either.
Facial hair is considered an attractive part of masculinity. The stereotype of the super ripped and rugged hyper-masculine guy with that formidable beard is like the main stuff of masculine folklore. But times are changing and the metrosexual guy with just a bit of stubble or even no facial hair is making his presence felt. Many trans guys still seem to be stuck in the age-old complex though that it’s mandatory to sport facial hair in order to look like a guy.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. How many cis guys you have seen who have facial hair? Not all of them obviously. There is a certain percentage of cis guys who have prominent facial hair while others might have little or none. While growing facial hair will certainly complement your appearance, it shouldn’t be like a do or die situation.
Because of the enormous pressure that trans men face in order to grow facial hair, a number of myths have sprung up regarding this. When you are desperate for something, you become vulnerable and then you are prone to trying out anything that promises you the thing you are after.
This article sets out to debunk certain myths about how to grow facial hair in transgender men. Let’s take a look at these myths one by one.
Myth – Certain Facial Products Can Help You Grow a Beard
Reality Check
There are many claims circulating around those facial products like Minoxidil can help a FTM transgender guy grow a beard. In fact, these claims propagate those particular facial products can actually play an important role in the growth of facial hair. The reality is there is absolutely no scientific basis to these claims. There is no evidence to support these claims. As a matter of fact, facial hair growth is largely determined by genetics. Look into your family history and see if your father or uncles sport a beard. It is largely your genes that determine the extent of your facial hair growth.
As a FTM trans guy, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of such a myth because you are obsessed with the idea of growing a beard. It’s obvious that you are willing to try out anything that promises you one.
But you need to use a little bit of rationality and common sense and realize that a beard will not grow overnight by some magic wand of a product. Just trust your doctor. If you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy and your genes support the growth of facial hair, you will definitely see results soon. Just have patience. Growing a beard takes time.
You have to be prepared for the scenario that you might not develop any facial hair at all. Don’t let this impact your self-esteem. There are so many other markers of manliness. As a result of medical transitioning and hormone therapy, your face is looking more masculine, you are developing muscles and you are confidently embracing men’s clothing. Celebrate all these wonderful things about your masculine identity rather than fretting about something that’s not in your control.
Myth – Taking Testosterone Promotes Facial Hair Growth
Reality Check
Reality check – Now, this is a very dangerous myth. It can actually have hazardous consequences on your health. The male hormone testosterone should be only taken in quantities prescribed by the doctor. If you overdose yourself with this hormone, it might have serious complications for your health. Testosterone by itself does not promote hair growth. Do not fall into the trap of making this simplistic cause and effect analysis that since it’s the most important male hormone, taking more of it would help you develop typical make characteristics like facial hair. If that were the case, all cis guys naturally having a high level of testosterone would be walking around with long beards!
The testosterone dosage that you are given during the Hormone Replacement Therapy, that itself will sufficiently aid the development of facial hair if your genetics support it. If you are unable to grow a beard, that’s alright too. Don’t risk your health and well-being for something that’s clearly beyond your control.
More importantly, don’t let superficial characteristics of masculinity determine your self-worth. Your identity is a lot more than a beard or facial hair. It’s more important that you feel like a man. Start dating someone through a trans dating site. Being with a woman who admires you and finds you attractive would make you feel way manlier than any amount of facial hair could ever do.
If you are still unhappy about not being able to grow a beard, check out trans male icons on the internet. You could check out their profiles on social media sites like Instagram. By taking a look at their personalities and style statement, your own sense of self-worth as a FTM transgender guy will increase manifold. And you will also notice that not all of them sport beards and yet, they are some of the hottest and most sought-after men around!
Myth – Shaving Promotes Beard Growth
Reality Check
This is yet another myth doing the rounds. Many FTM trans guys seem to think that shaving more and more would make their facial hair grow faster and thicker. Nothing can be farther from the truth. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the claim that shaving promotes beard growth. On the contrary, it will just ruin whatever little growth you have. So, if you are growing a beard at a super slow pace, just be patient and you will see some results sooner or later. Do not rush into shaving.
This point cannot be reiterated more that do not make facial hair growth an ego issue. It is not the ultimate sign of your masculinity. Embrace other manifestations of your masculinity like dressing, grooming, dating, relationships, etc. Check out specific avenues for trans men dating. Do not let something as arbitrary as the absence or presence of facial hair define your masculinity.
If you are unable to grow a beard and are totally freaked out and traumatized, consider joining a transgender forum. Talk to other FTM transgender guys out there. Mutual sharing of experiences would help you understand that it’s not a big deal to be not able to grow facial hair.
If nothing works out and not being able to grow facial hair is making you feel depressed and miserable, you could consider getting a facial hair transplant. Many medical establishments offer this surgery and it is getting increasingly popular. Although, it is strongly advised that a FTM transgender guy waits for at least a year after the initiation of hormone therapy if they are considering a facial hair implant. This would enable the surgeons to give you a more targeted treatment and concentrate on regions in your face that are in maximum need of facial hair.
Although before taking any decision, you must do ample research from your end regarding the details of this surgery or if there are any possible complications or side effects. Only after you’ve undertaken a comprehensive and impartial assessment from your side, should you reach a final decision. Take your doctor into confidence as well; the one who is giving you hormone therapy. To be honest, they are the best person to advise on this matter that you need a facial hair transplant or not.
Beard Transplantation is also a popular technique within plastic surgery. Many cis men who are unable to grow a beard because of their genetic characteristics but desire one also opt for this procedure. Although the disclaimer for all these procedures is that you need to ideally have sufficient healthy hair on your scalp because that’s from where the hair is taken.
If you are a FTM transgender guy wanting to grow a beard and your genes do not favour it, you could consider these cosmetic surgery procedures. But you have to be very careful and make sure that such a treatment does not interfere with any other procedures you are undergoing, as part of medical transitioning. Give it some time. Do not take a decision in a jiffy.
Try and focus on other aspects of your masculinity. Exercise, eat well, maintain good personal hygiene and just generally be well-groomed. This routine, along with the hormone replacement therapy should work well for your masculine appearance. Some people even choose to undergo facial masculinization surgery in order to make their faces more masculine and chiselled. If you still think that beard is an inseparable part of your masculine identity, consider a facial hair transplant. But weigh the pros and cons well before deciding to undergo the procedure. Also, make sure you are getting it done from a reputed place where the surgeon has expertise in this particular surgery. Always check out the reviews of a medical establishment before you choose it for treatment. Try finding out if there is anyone from your own circle of friends and acquaintances who have opted for a beard surgery. Ask for their feedback and review.
If you just started dating a trans woman or you just started talking on a transsexual dating site, your first conversations are very important. You will have to get to know each other and start to realize if you are meant to be together or not. This can be a lot more difficult than it actually seems. So while you start talking with your match on an MTF dating site you should think good about the topics you touch.
Don’t Go Deep
You shouldn’t go too deep in the personal life of your potential lover from the first time you interact on a trans dating website. Ask them about their hobbies and what they are looking for in a man. And decide if you can meet their expectations in an honest way.
There is so much more to a relationship than physical attraction but your intimacy will also be very important. Once you decide that you can have common hobbies, you will be able to move forward to a new level in your relationship. As long as you stay honest and you are genuinely interested in your match, you will end up with a great relationship.
Know Your Boundaries
Don’t expect too much – Think that you go on a date just to meet a new friend with only this in your mind, “Who knows? He is the one!” If you have carefully assessed that the person is not what you want then just finish the date happily without regret.
Set your time to a minimum – Don’t date the whole day. The excitement to see you again will be lost.
Leave – If your date shows rudeness to you then why continue? Walk away with head’s up high.
Enjoy the Date
In a nutshell, you need to have some knowledge about what transsexuality is before dating a transsexual woman. Some quick online research would help you have a basic understanding of what being transgender really means. When you understand certain concepts, such as gender dysphoria, you will be more than ready to date a trans woman.
Transitioning isn’t easy. A trans person spends an incredible amount of their physical and mental energies in dealing with transitions. What’s worse is that it doesn’t change the perception of society overnight. Trans people are still vulnerable and victims of abuse. Considering all this, finding love as a MTF transgender woman can be a tricky proposition. But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Love is a beautiful feeling and we all got to experience it. The journey might be challenging but it’s definitely worth it.
The paths of all lovers are strewn with more thorns than roses but in the end, it’s all worth it. As a MTF transgender woman, you got to be flexible and open-minded. Too rigid an approach doesn’t work with dating. While it is important to be cautious in order to keep all those creepy, transphobic people at bay, you shouldn’t be prejudiced against anyone from the outset.
This article offers a couple of valuable tips and suggestions that would help you in your quest for finding true love.
Ask Yourself, What Kind of a Person You Would Want to Date?
This is the first question you have to ask yourself when you are considering dating someone. What kind of a person you would like to date? Are you very particular about dating straight cis men? Or would you rather date a FTM transgender guy? It’s also about understanding your own sexual orientation and preferences. Would you be keen on taking things forward with a lesbian?
It is important to ask yourself these questions before you actually begin to date someone through friends or by joining a trans dating site. It’s good to be open to different kinds of people but you got to figure out where to start. It gets easier when you have some sort of an outline of your ideal partner. Otherwise, the process can get vague and baffling.
Some people are very specific about the physical characteristics of their ‘would be’ partners. It’’ like some women are obsessed with the idea of a tall partner while others have specific racial preferences. As a MTF transgender woman, it’s very important to draw out a basic mental sketch of the kind of person you would like to be seen out with.
Do Not Be Too Rigid in Your Criteria
While it’s important to have certain criteria for the kind of person you would like to date, it’s equally important to be open to new possibilities. Do not tick off anyone you are attracted to just because they don’t fit into those criteria. The attraction between two people is the most mysterious phenomenon of the universe. No one exactly knows what propels that attraction. It’s not about similar personalities or interests either. It’s just this instant connection and sparks which you either get with a person or you don’t.
So, while dating a MTF transgender woman has to give ample concession to those mysteries and surprises of nature! If you feel connected with someone, try and go with the flow. Of course, self-respect is one thing you should never compromise. If a person isn’t sensitive about ‘trans’ identity, you shouldn’t entertain them even for a minute.
Try Out Online Dating
If you still haven’t met that special person in your life, the reason could be you were looking in the wrong places. When we try to date people through friends or family or acquaintances, the chances of finding a like-minded partner are quite low. In this kind of dating, we have access to a fairly limited number of potential partners. So, either you compromise on some quality or stay single, it’s that kind of scenario. That is why a MTF trans woman should try out online dating.
Online dating can get you connected with so many interesting people from all across the world. It gives you a greater window of opportunities in terms of the kind of people you can date. And it’s not necessary that you meet each one of them. You just start online chatting with people who interest you and then further narrow it down to a couple of prospective partners. Online dating gives you the flexibility of buying time. If you like someone but are not sure yet about a relationship, there is no pressure to meet them in real life. You could take things at your own pace.
So, joining a transgender dating site is a good starting point. There are many such dating sites for trans people. It’s of course important that you do thorough research before zeroing in on a particular site. Read the reviews on the internet and also ask your friends from the trans community about the best dating sites for trans people. Always check the credentials of a site before getting registered.
Be Your Original Self
There is no point in trying to put up a façade to impress someone. It’s simply not worth it. A person who will fall in love with you would accept you with all your supposed inconsistencies and flaws. So never try to create an airbrushed image of yourself in front of someone.
As a MTF transgender woman, you are proud of your identity. You also have a unique personality and individuality. The way you express your femininity is totally your call. Do not feel compelled to adhere to stereotypical notions of femininity in order to prove yourself a woman. You already are a gorgeous woman. And if someone has to love you, they will do so just the way you are.
Confidence and self-esteem are very attractive traits in a woman. Your date would be drawn to you like a moth is to a flame if you stand your ground and create your own rules.
Be Honest with Your Partner
This is the most important aspect of any relationship. You have to be 100 percent honest with your partner. They should have complete clarity regarding your gender identity. In fact, you should make it a point to tell your date everything about your ‘trans’ identity in the initial stages itself. As much as it is your right to have a partner who respects your identity, it is also your right to know your true identity.
If you hide such a crucial aspect of your life early on in the relationship, it would definitely create problems and conflict later on. Communicating your concerns to your partner and educating them about your identity would not only make your bond stronger but would also pave the way for greater acceptance of the transgender community within mainstream society. It’s possible that your partner knows little or nothing about the trans community. So, if you communicate with him on those lines, they will not just support you in your personal life but also highlight the cause of the LGBT community at a larger level.
Communicating your identity early on would also save you from a potentially ‘transphobic’ partner. So as soon as you start talking to someone through a transgender dating app and things begin to get serious, tell them clearly about your gender identity. While you certainly don’t want someone to get obsessed with you being a transgender woman and treat you like a fetish, you also don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t even accept your identity.
Have Realistic Expectations
A MTF transgender woman has seen a lot in life. During transitioning, she has literally been through a roller coaster ride. So, she obviously wants a partner who supports her in every possible way. But she also has to be realistic in her expectations.
If you are dating a cis straight guy who has never dated a trans woman before, you have to give him some time to get used to your identity. This is not to say that you should put up with a rude and insensitive guy. But if there is a cool and sensitive guy who is trying to understand you as a person, be patient with him. Do not expect him to champion the cause of the transgender community during the first couple of dates itself. That would be too much to expect. He is getting to know you as an individual so just go with that flow.
You have to also understand that you it can’t be always about you and your issues. A successful relationship is one that has a fine balance of priorities. Maybe, he has had a bad day at work or perhaps, he is just too tired. In such a scenario, if you start with your problems and woes the moment he drops in, he might not look interested. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he is rude or inconsiderate. He might be having his own issues. So, get involved in his life as well and have realistic expectations from the relationship. A great relationship is one that builds up gradually. So, take it slow, steady and be sensitive to the needs of your partner as well.
The life of an FTM Transgender Men can be very difficult, especially if they don’t pass as male. If you don’t pass as a male, going out in public can be overwhelmingly challenging and intimidating. When someone who is trying to be polite refers to you as “ma’am,” it can be detrimental to your efforts to embrace your masculinity. Below are some tips to help you pass as male in public. While these tips may not fix everything, they will at least decrease the chances of being referred to as “ma’am.”
Wear Clothes Made for Men
One of the easiest and simplest ways of passing as a male is by wearing male clothes. Unlike female clothes that are designed to highlight curves, men’s clothing tends to be straighter and hides curves. If your body is curvy, wearing male clothes can help you hide your curves. In particular, straight cut pants from the men’s department can help create a flatter behind.
You should try to dress more conservatively that you might have before. This will help you to avoid being mistaken for a lesbian. Simply choose a male image you want to project and cultivate a look to suit that image.
Even out Your Chest
The chest is one of the areas that gives many FTM Transgender Guys a headache. This is because it is very hard to pass as a male when you have a curvy chest. If your chest does protrude, you should invest in a good binder to flatten it. Binding your chest flattens it and gives you a masculine appearance. There are multiple types, so you must do some research and choose the binding methodology that suits you best.
As a side point, binding yourself tightly for too long might be harmful because it causes rib and back pain. It is important to use moderation and give yourself a break from binding occasionally. Also, never use tape or elastic bandages when binding your chest
Get a Hair Cut
Long hair can have a negative impact on the male image you want to project. If you currently have medium length or long hair, it would be wise to consider a haircut. A good haircut that will certainly help you project a male image. Typical male hairstyles involve keeping your hair short in the back and on the sides.
It is often said that barbers do a much better job of providing a male haircut compared to hairdressers. However, it would be wise to try them both and see which one works better for you. You should not, however, under any circumstances take a pair of scissors and try to do the work yourself. Get a professional haircut, and it will be worth every penny.