If you are an MTF transgender woman or are in the process of transitioning, looking good is probably high on your list of priorities. In fact, a transgender woman has a reputation for being fashion icons. They push the envelope when it comes to beauty and style. If you are an MTF trans woman and you want to spice up your appearance, one of the best places to start is your face. Your face is the first thing people notice about you, and it plays a major role in how feminine you are perceived. If you want to come across as feminine during a first impression, then you must learn and master the art of applying make-up. Below are some insightful tips that will help you learn to apply makeup appropriately and beautifully.
If you are an MTF trans woman, you have probably made many adjustments during and after the transitioning process. Because you grew up male, there are some things you have to learn now in order to be a woman. Luckily, there is a lot of information available to help you become the female you always dreamed of. To be good at applying make-up, you must be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of it. Researching is a good way to sharpen your knowledge on how to apply make-up. Through researching, you will be able to learn important information, such as what brushes to use, the colors that complement your skin tone, and so much more.
Buy Quality Products
To apply makeup beautifully, you must first have the right tools and products. As mentioned above, you must first make sure that you know which brushes and products are the best. However, you should note that quality products come with a hefty price tag. However, they do not need to cost an arm and a leg either. The key is to invest in some expensive products and choose less expensive options in other areas. Quality brushes are one good set of products to invest in because they offer you more control when you apply your makeup. Quality brushes are also beneficial because they are more durable.
Never Ignore Your Eyebrows
Never make the mistake of leaving your eyebrows ungroomed. However, grooming your eyebrows does not necessarily mean that you pluck them. The point of eyebrows is to frame the face, so cleaning up wayward strands is all that is necessary. You can reshape and tame the rest of them with eyebrow wax.
Plump Lips
it is undeniable that fuller lips are sexier. To have full
lips without giving off a intercourse doll vibe, you should line the lips
slightly outside the natural line. Next, you should use a lip brush to fill in
your lips with your chosen lipstick. Then, powder the lipstick lightly and
carefully dust away from the excess. Finally, reapply the lipstick one more
time. This ensures that your color will remain vibrant even for a whole night
out. If you cannot seem to get the shape you want, visit a professional to
learn how to achieve the right look.
You have undergone medical transitioning and now you are all happy and excited to live out your new identity as a beautiful and feminine trans woman. You would like to join a trans dating app or a dating site for a transgender woman. But before that, you have got to learn the nuances of the body language and social etiquette of a female.
You have a gorgeous figure; you know how to apply makeup well. You eat well, exercise and have an excellent skincare routine. All that is super cool. But you need to learn the art of feminine and graceful body movements.
Body movements play a very important role in accentuating the femininity of a woman. The way you walk, the way you move your hands while talking, the way you sit, all this tells a great deal about your feminine elegance and charm. Therefore, for a transgender woman, it is very important to learn the nuances of these body movements.
Of course, it is not something that you can learn overnight. It will require some time and a lot of effort and patience. But it is totally worth it. You can interact with other trans women through a transgender forum and get to learn about their experiences related to projecting a feminine image through body movements. You can even go through a transgender blog and read up information that is relevant to you as a trans woman.
The point is that the whole process of learning to feminize your body movements doesn’t have to be intimidating or boring. It can be exciting and fun-filled and you can even meet new people in the process. Here are a couple of tips that transgender woman can utilize to feminize her body movements.
Your Dressing Sense is Important
The kind of outfits you wear influence your body movements to a large extent. As a MTF trans woman, you should pay close attention to the kind of dresses you wear. If you are used to wearing jeans and trousers, chuck them off for something more feminine. The whole point is that you don’t want your body language to come across as too aggressive or masculine. So, wearing somewhat masculine clothes won’t help your cause. Go for more feminine attire like dresses and skirts while practicing body movements.
Now even with skirts, the kind of skirt you are wearing makes a huge difference. Long, flowing skirts look very elegant and feminine and also accentuate the delicacy of your body movements. Long flowing skirts with belts and a fitted top would do very well to define your body movements in a feminine way. A beautiful woman has walked straight out of a fairy tale; it’s a little bit that kind of a look.
Avoid short skirts if you can as you might not be able to sit appropriately and that will again make your body movements seem like somewhat not so elegant and masculine. Also, as a trans woman, one should avoid baggy or overtly loose clothes. You want your body movements to be graceful and defined and baggy clothes just won’t help the cause.
You could even check out various trans woman dating sites to see the kind of clothes other trans women are wearing and get inspired!
Keep your Body Movements Moderate
Many transgender women overdo the body movement bit in order to appear more feminine. You should avoid such exaggerated and over the top body movements. These will just make you look weird and not hot. For example, many trans women purposefully swing their hips way too much while walking. They think that if they do so, it will emphasize their hips and thus make them look more feminine. But it just looks odd. A transgender woman should just walk normally, gently with the natural in-built rhythm of a woman. Overdoing anything will not have the desired effect.
So, if you want your hips to be prominent, just follow the simple trick of putting on heels and walking normally. You would look much sexier and feminine this way. And your hips would sway naturally and effortlessly.
You can also check out the body language of various trans women icons through YouTube videos or Instagram. Notice their movements, how they carry themselves and you will definitely learn a lot this way also. You can also join an online transgender forum and get to learn from the experiences of other trans women.
Pay Attention to your Body Posture
For an MTF transgender woman, her body posture is very important when it comes to projecting a feminine image. A great posture can accentuate her attractive figure highlighting the prominent bust, small waist and curvy hips. Therefore, it is very important to learn the art of maintaining a good body posture.
You have to carefully observe other women around you and then try and get the basic feminine posture right. Avoid slouching under all circumstances. It just looks unappealing. Slouching is a common mistake that many tall trans women make. They get conscious because of their height and resort to slouching to make themselves appear a bit shorter. You don’t have to do that. Tall trans women are just gorgeous. Just follow the usual, feminine body language. Don’t overdo any of the movements. For example, some trans women have this habit of arching their back so that their butt looks more prominent. Please don’t do that. That just looks odd and not hot.
Pay Attention to the way you Sit and Walk
The way a person sits and walks are the two most important indicators of their body language. You can practice all the fine-looking body movements and all that but if you sit awkwardly and walk strangely; your efforts will just not get you the desired result.
So as a trans woman, pay great attention to the way you sit and walk. This can of course be challenging as you have been used to the other way for a long time. And sitting and walking are such unconscious elements of body language that it might seem impossible to change these. But with a bit of effort, it is very much possible.
Always keep your knees together while sitting. Consider it a rule and follow it religiously. This is the basic principle of feminine body language that you sit with your knees together. Sitting down with your legs apart is a very ‘male ‘way of sitting. It certainly won’t be flattering to your feminine posture.
Hold your head high while walking. Also, your elbows should be tucked in while you are walking. Tucked in elbows bring out the fluidity in your feminine body movements.
Practice Stretching and Yoga
For feminizing your body movements, it is very important that your body is flexible. You must have noticed that people who do a lot of weight training sometimes develop very stiff, tense muscles. They look lean and have a lot of strength but they don’t have those graceful and agile feminine body movements. For a transgender woman, it is very important to practice stretching on a regular basis.
Stretching relaxes your muscles and also makes those more flexible. You can also consider learning yoga which is a complete body workout. The beauty of yoga is that most of the postures involve so much stretching that practicing yoga would give you that slender, feminine body type and also impart grace and agility to your bodily movements.
Yoga relaxes the body and calms the mind. A transgender woman who practices yoga gets even more intensely connected to her feminine core. Yoga also greatly improves your balance and posture. And all these things are very essential when you are trying to learn the nuances of feminine body movements.
The most wonderful thing is that yoga would also help you in achieving that super-hot, ultra-feminine figure. Regular practice of various yoga postures gives you those super well defined and yet natural-looking feminine abs. It would also accentuate your killer curves and increase your appeal by multiple times when you are dating someone through a a trans dating site!
Practice dance
Any dance form is the ultimate manifestation of flexibility and agility. There are dance forms that incorporate somewhat masculine movements but even those require a great deal of agility and flexibility.
For a trans woman, practicing any dance form is a fun way to make her body movements more feminine. You could pick up a graceful and popular dance form like Salsa that has such sensuous body movements and practice it with a friend or your partner. You could check out belly dancing videos from YouTube. Belly dancing is one of the most feminine and sensuous dance forms. The beautiful arm and hand movements in belly dancing could teach you a lot about delicate feminine expression and movement.
There are a number of dance forms you can try. You can even just listen to your favourite dance numbers, relax your body, and put your hands up in the air and just move. Dance is an amazing way to make your body movements more graceful and feminine. And the best part is it would all happen effortlessly. You just got to relax and feel the music. So, a MTF trans woman should certainly consider practicing dance in order to project that ultra-feminine image.
So you’ve been active on a transgender dating site or ts dating app for a while and finally caught the eye of a trans woman. You chatted, truly enjoyed the back-and-forth, and feel a strong enough connection to take this to the next level.
Yet this is where things tend to get complicated. Online dating is already quite the challenge, but taking any relationship offline can prove daunting, no matter what gender you and your match identify as. The questions remain the same: When is the best time to suggest a real-life date, even at a safe distance if necessary? How can you be certain your potential partner feels the same? If you gathered the courage, how do you phrase your question?
Let’s assume that somehow, you did it. And congratulations, they said yes!
Now the real adventure starts. When you’re dating a transgender woman, you will face more – or rather, different – challenges on your romantic journey.
Your presence on trans dating sites indicates that you already know a bit about trans issues and the reality of transgender lives. However, if you are genuine in your interest when it comes to exploring dating a transgender woman, you will need to do your homework, as they say.
This homework includes research on several aspects of transgender life, including the harder parts and topics you, as a cis person (that is, a person who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth), might not have on your radar yet. The lack of true and practical information, which may be difficult to come by online if you aren’t entrenched in the community, further complicates your progress.
Fortunately, you have found this guide and thus a great starting point! If you have been wondering what it would be like to date a trans woman or if you have started dating one and need a roadmap to help you navigate the dynamics, the following information will be very useful.
Research and Reflect
Before you begin your search for a trans woman on any transgender dating site or ts dating app, you should take a bit of time to research and understand the various aspects of the transgender community.
Topics we recommend you explore if only on the surface, include but are not limited to:
– What does trans/transgender mean? How does it relate to the concepts of intersex or the term transvestite?
– What is the difference between sex and gender?
– What are common gender stereotypes and how does the trans community work to dismantle them? What are gender nonconforming practices?
– What legal and medical ramifications are involved in being trans? What role do hormones play? What surgery options are available, and how difficult is it to access them? Who opts for surgery and why, who decides against it?
You do not need to spend too long doing this research before you will have successfully dispelled several myths about transgender lives.
Having at least a basic understanding of these concepts and questions will lessen the burden your future partner or date will have to carry. Just like it is not on people of color to educate their white friends on the realities of racism and ‘Life While BIPOC’, do not expect trans people to enlighten you. Some might be willing to, but the onus is on you to learn.
While doing this research, you might want to reflect on your own experiences. How do you experience your gender? What shaped it? What stereotypes do you maybe harbor? How does this affect the way you approach dating?
Dating a trans woman may not fit your preconceived ideas of dating a cis woman. We assure you, however, that it will be worth the effort you invest in opening yourself up for new experiences.
Avoid Transgender Talk During Your Dates
While you might be curious about your date’s history or details about their life as a trans woman, never make the mistake of delving too deep into the subject of transgender. Just as curiosity killed the cat, it could also kill any relationship potential that was budding between you and a trans woman. It is possible that the subject might pop up later, but in the beginning, it is better to err on the side of caution and steer away from potentially awkward subjects. Remember that, for most people, their gender is an intimate subject, and talking about it with anyone requires trust and feeling secure in the situation.
Even if she initiates the subject at some point, we recommend proceeding carefully. Be careful of boundaries and intrusive questions. However, when she expresses willingness to talk about transgender topics and her own journey, listen keenly and without judgment. Show that you appreciate the trust she places in you and proves yourself worthy of this trust.
First Impression Matters
How you meet the trans woman on your first date may make or break any chances you have of a long-term romantic relationship. Since yes, first impressions matter. Beyond the way you communicate, this also holds true for attire and clothes.
While not every female-presenting person in the trans community values fashion and spends ample time on styling themselves, putting an effort into one’s appearance is a form of self-care. If we feel comfortable in our skin, we will looser and more relaxed when meeting a potential partner for the first time.
You should complement this by putting effort into your dress and maintenance. You do not need to dress up to the nines – but make choosing an outfit an active and conscious choice. Select something that reflects you and your character, don’t ‘dress up’ or pretend you are something you’re not. Natural charm goes a long way and shows your date that you are genuine in your interest.
Be a Gentleperson
Some transgender women enjoy presenting even more feminine than their cisgender counterparts. Other trans women may act more genderneutral or be actively nonconforming and/or fluid. Regardless of how they present, be a gentlemanly date. Not in a condescending way, but from a place of deep respect.
Whether you are a cis man or a cis woman and about to date a transgender lady, you can be courteous. Chivalry, in the sense of pulling out chairs or opening doors, might have a very positive effect on your date. However, only do this if it fits your personality and style. As with clothing, there is no need to pretend you are something you aren’t. Engage your date in meaningful conversation, truly listen when she talks, and smile so that she sees you enjoy her company.
Be Prepared to Talk Politics
For many people in the transgender community, politics is an important subject. The government decides who can transition from one gender to another, whether or not there are gender options outside the binary of male and female, how easy access to hormones or surgery is, and how protected we are in our everyday lives.
While ‘Keep away from politics’ may be sound dating advice for some, when it comes to being active on a ts dating site, you should be prepared to engage in political debates.
This advice ties in well with the research homework you have been given already. Unless they know someone personally, most cis people are unaware of the legal aspects and challenges of being transgender. If you educate yourself, you will certainly impress your date by showing interest and communicating that you are genuine in your pursuit of dating a transgender woman.
When It Comes To Sex
… be patient. Taking one’s time is a good idea regardless of gender identity, since building a long-lasting relationship depends on so much more than sex.
For some transgender women, sex can also be a difficult topic. Not every trans woman had top and bottom surgeries, so do not assume you know what your date’s body looks like underneath her clothes. Once you have built a foundation of trust and you both feel comfortable in each other’s presence, you may certainly ask your date about their sex life. Share your own experiences, if you think it might help. Showing your partner that you are open to talking about intimacy will go a long way in making her feel respected and safe.
Communication is key here – never assume anything. Many trans dating sites offer the option to specify operation status and more, yet this does not mean every person experiences this the same. The wonderful thing about human sexuality is how varied and colorful it is. Explore with curiosity and an open mind. Don’t set yourself any expectations to meet, or signal your transgender partner that there is a certain way they have to perform in order to earn your affection.
After all, you are dating a transgender woman from a place of love, on a quest for belonging and connection. Neither one of you is in this for a quick hookup - there are other ts dating apps for that.
While there are certainly more tips that will help you navigate the trans dating experience, this hopefully proves a useful guide and starting point. Now off you go, be brave, and make a move!
Identity plays a crucial role in a person’s life journey. A person’s identity also determines how society perceives them. And that is why it’s so difficult for transgender people to be able to work out even the most basic needs of life – dating, relationships and a job. It’s hard to imagine that even in the 21st century; society is so prejudiced against trans people. But that is unfortunately the sad reality.
A transgender person can’t even date someone the usual way. They have to go through a transgender dating site or a transsexual dating site. It’s literally impossible for a trans woman to attend a random party, strike a conversation with a random guy and tell him that she is trans. It is difficult to even imagine the kind of dangerous scenarios she could be exposed to if she does that sort of a thing. Transgender people are also vulnerable to cyberbullying and a host of online threats and abuses. Hence, many consider opting for a virtual private network and look for the best VPN service around.
So why is society so obsessed with making a transgender person’s life hell? What is their problem with a trans person? Well, it is their identity that society finds problematic because the desired and lived gender identity of a trans person is exactly opposite to their biological gender identity. That is, a trans person doesn’t identity with the gender they were assigned at the time of birth. And that is what society finds hard to accept.
Society is obsessed with a person’s biological gender identity which is the gender assigned to them at the time of birth. Since childhood, their respective gender identities are repeatedly reinforced in the minds of girls and boys. Girls are encouraged to keep their hair long, take interest in make-up and clothes, play girlie games and just generally behave girlie. Boys are encouraged to play outdoors and slowly develop body language and a lifestyle that is considered’ manly’. If anyone tries to challenge the conventional gender roles assigned to them and feel like they belong to the other gender, they are seen as a threat to the existing social order.
And that is precisely why society is so inhumane to transgender people. It views them as ‘transgressors. However, it’s not just trans people that society labels and judges. Those who identify themselves as genderqueer are also a victim of societal hatred and discrimination. These are people for whom gender is a fluid concept. They don’t identify with a particular gender. A genderqueer person kind of lives their own identity in between genders. They could also continuously switch between the two genders, according to their wish.
If you wish to date a transgender person through a transgender dating app or a transgender dating app, you need to understand a few basic characteristics of them. There are so many stereotypes surrounding trans people in society that it can be difficult to know how they actually are.
This article would list a few insightful points that would help you understand transgender identity from a holistic perspective.
Transgender People Are Not Necessarily Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
This is a common misconception that all transgender people are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Nothing can be farther from the truth. To begin with, the term transgender is strongly related to one’s gender identity, as opposed to sexual identity. When we use terms like gay and bisexual, these correspond more with the sexual identity of a person.
Secondly, transgender people strongly identify with one gender, either male or female. Many even undergo medical transitioning to develop the outward manifestations of that gender and be recognized in society as that gender. As a matter of fact, many transgender people want to date and have relationships the heterosexual way. That is a trans woman desires a man, just like a cis woman does. And a trans man would desire a woman, just like a cis man. So, it’s wrong to indiscriminately label trans people as gay, lesbian or bisexual. If you are a cis guy and you start chatting with a trans woman through a transgender dating app or a transsexual dating site, she obviously wants to date you just like any other woman would.
Transgender people are also not genderqueer. They strongly identify with a particular gender and then try to live their life, according to that gender. A genderqueer person, on the contrary, doesn’t believe in the concept of gender. They can live in between genders or switch from one gender to another, as and when they wish.
Transgender People Identify with a Gender Different from the One they were Assigned at Birth
This is a pretty basic point. But it’s important to emphasize because many people still don’t have a clear understanding of the gender identity crisis that trans folks undergo. Cis folks might think that the strong urge to change one’s gender is just a whimsical fetish. But in reality, the gender identity of trans people is a matter of life and death for them.
From a very early age, they begin to strongly identify with the opposite gender. They don’t find pleasure or happiness in activities that a typical person born with their gender would. Because of this, many transgender people also experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. If you go through a transgender blog or read about the experience of trans people on a transgender forum, then you would understand the kind of grave identity crisis they undergo.
Because of fear of society and other reasons, many still forcefully try to live their life according to the norms of their biological gender identity. But there comes a point when it gets too overwhelming and they can’t handle it anymore. That’s when they come out as a transgender person.
A Transgender Person Might or Might Not Undergo Medical Transitioning
Many trans people decide to undergo medical transitioning in order to outwardly embrace their desired gender identity. That is, they want to have the physiological characteristics of the gender they identify with. The medical transitioning procedure helps them live in society freely and openly as the gender they identify with. It also helps them find a love interest or a partner. Transitioning is especially helpful for trans people who want to date within the normative framework of heterosexuality.
Having said that, many trans folks choose to skip transitioning altogether. They embrace their new gender by adopting the body language, dressing style and behavioural characteristics of that gender. It really is about the choice of the person concerned. Some feel just fine even without transitioning while others have this strong urge to physically be like the gender they identify with.
Medical transitioning is also an expensive procedure. Many trans folks can’t afford it. Besides, it is also very demanding physically, mentally and emotionally. Many transgender people lack the support of family or friends that they so need during the transition. Although things are changing now as many voluntary organizations are coming forward to help trans people with transitioning. Also in some countries, the state medical services can also provide for the transitioning procedure of a transgender person.
Trans People Contribute a Lot to the Society
Most people have this stereotype about trans people that they are some kinds of losers who portray themselves as victims all the time. This is crass, insensitive and totally unacceptable. But unfortunately, that’s how some in society perceive transgender people. If you read up about trans folks on the internet or just go through a transgender blog, you’ll come to know the kind of amazing contributions that trans people are making to society.
And they are not just trans rights’ activists. But transgender people can be increasingly seen in mainstream professions like doctors, engineers, police officers, academicians and even politicians.
There are many trans icons across the world in fields like entertainment, culture, art and literature. Trans activists are creating awareness not only on issues faced by their own community but they have also become a voice for the marginalized and under-represented in general.
Despite all these advances, prejudices against transgender people still remain deeply entrenched in society. There still are a number of clinicians who believe that gender non-conforming children can be set right through relevant interventions. That is, they should be encouraged to behave according to their traditional gender roles and this will eventually fix their ‘problem’.
The whole mindset of viewing the identity crisis of a transgender person as a ‘problem’ is just sad and it reflects the rather limited understanding of society on issues related to transgender people. There needs to be a larger social movement through which various trans issues find representation on a larger platform. There has to be greater emphasis on the fact that transgender people are not an object of journalistic enquiry. They are people, like any other and you need to connect with them at an individual level.
Those wanting to date a transgender person through a transgender dating app or a trans dating site need to understand that trans people have the same emotional needs as anyone else.
"Transgender" is an umbrella term used to capture the spectrum of gender identity and gender-expression diversity. Gender identity is the internal sense of being male, female, neither or both. Gender expression — often an extension of gender identity — involves the expression of a person's gender identity through social roles, appearance, and behaviors. Transgender people are at increased risk for certain types of chronic diseases, cancers, and mental health problems.
Many health concerns that transgender people face are due to minority stress, which is characterized by:
— Negative social attitudes and disapproval (social stigma) toward transgender people.
— Abuse, harassment, neglect, rejection or unfair treatment (discrimination) of transgender people.
— Internalization of social stigma, turning it into negative attitudes and thoughts toward one's self (internalized stigma).
For example, minority stress is linked to transgender people seeking out less preventive care and screenings than that of cisgender people of similar ages, whose gender identity and expression match the gender they were assigned at birth. This might be due to a lack of gender-related insurance coverage, being refused care, difficulty finding a doctor with expertise in transgender care or fear of discrimination in a healthcare setting.
In addition, because of minority stress, transgender people are at risk of:
• Emotional and psychological abuse
• Physical and sexual violence
• Sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, and HIV
• Substance misuse
• Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts
Transgender people may avoid medical care for fear of being rejected. Many have been turned away by health care providers or had other negative experiences. Not all providers know how to deal with specialized transgender issues. Often, transgender health services are not covered by insurance. For these reasons, transgender persons may not be able to access the care they need. Transgender should find a personal doctor who understands transgender health issues.
What you can do:
• See a doctor
If you're a transgender person, don't avoid seeing a doctor out of fear of a negative encounter. Instead, look for a doctor who is empathetic and respectful of your specific needs. By doing so, your doctor can help identify ways to reduce your risk of health concerns, as well as identify medical conditions and refer you to specialists when necessary. Once you're talking to your doctor, be honest. Share your gender identity. Tell your doctor about any medicines you take or have taken, any surgeries or procedures you've had, and any associated complications or concerns. Talk about any stress, discrimination, anxiety or depression you're experiencing and how you cope. Also, tell your doctor if you're sexually active. The more your doctor knows about your health history, the better the doctor will be able to help you.
• Get screened
Experts recommend that you take steps to protect your health based on your anatomy, regardless of your gender identity or expression. This might include:
• Age-appropriate screening for cervical and breast cancers
• Age-appropriate screening for prostate cancer
• Age-appropriate screening for colon cancer
• Age-appropriate vaccinations
• Screening for mental health conditions
• Screening for substance abuse
• Screening for HIV
• Screening for hepatitis
• Cancer
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Transitioning isn’t easy. A trans person spends an incredible amount of their physical and mental energies in dealing with transitions. What’s worse is that it doesn’t change the perception of society overnight. Trans people are still vulnerable and victims of abuse. Considering all this, finding love as a MTF transgender woman can be a tricky proposition. But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Love is a beautiful feeling and we all got to experience it. The journey might be challenging but it’s definitely worth it.
The paths of all lovers are strewn with more thorns than roses but in the end, it’s all worth it. As a MTF transgender woman, you got to be flexible and open-minded. Too rigid an approach doesn’t work with dating. While it is important to be cautious in order to keep all those creepy, transphobic people at bay, you shouldn’t be prejudiced against anyone from the outset.
This article offers a couple of valuable tips and suggestions that would help you in your quest for finding true love.
Ask Yourself, What Kind of a Person You Would Want to Date?
This is the first question you have to ask yourself when you are considering dating someone. What kind of a person you would like to date? Are you very particular about dating straight cis men? Or would you rather date a FTM transgender guy? It’s also about understanding your own sexual orientation and preferences. Would you be keen on taking things forward with a lesbian?
It is important to ask yourself these questions before you actually begin to date someone through friends or by joining a trans dating site. It’s good to be open to different kinds of people but you got to figure out where to start. It gets easier when you have some sort of an outline of your ideal partner. Otherwise, the process can get vague and baffling.
Some people are very specific about the physical characteristics of their ‘would be’ partners. It’’ like some women are obsessed with the idea of a tall partner while others have specific racial preferences. As a MTF transgender woman, it’s very important to draw out a basic mental sketch of the kind of person you would like to be seen out with.
Do Not Be Too Rigid in Your Criteria
While it’s important to have certain criteria for the kind of person you would like to date, it’s equally important to be open to new possibilities. Do not tick off anyone you are attracted to just because they don’t fit into those criteria. The attraction between two people is the most mysterious phenomenon of the universe. No one exactly knows what propels that attraction. It’s not about similar personalities or interests either. It’s just this instant connection and sparks which you either get with a person or you don’t.
So, while dating a MTF transgender woman has to give ample concession to those mysteries and surprises of nature! If you feel connected with someone, try and go with the flow. Of course, self-respect is one thing you should never compromise. If a person isn’t sensitive about ‘trans’ identity, you shouldn’t entertain them even for a minute.
Try Out Online Dating
If you still haven’t met that special person in your life, the reason could be you were looking in the wrong places. When we try to date people through friends or family or acquaintances, the chances of finding a like-minded partner are quite low. In this kind of dating, we have access to a fairly limited number of potential partners. So, either you compromise on some quality or stay single, it’s that kind of scenario. That is why a MTF trans woman should try out online dating.
Online dating can get you connected with so many interesting people from all across the world. It gives you a greater window of opportunities in terms of the kind of people you can date. And it’s not necessary that you meet each one of them. You just start online chatting with people who interest you and then further narrow it down to a couple of prospective partners. Online dating gives you the flexibility of buying time. If you like someone but are not sure yet about a relationship, there is no pressure to meet them in real life. You could take things at your own pace.
So, joining a transgender dating site is a good starting point. There are many such dating sites for trans people. It’s of course important that you do thorough research before zeroing in on a particular site. Read the reviews on the internet and also ask your friends from the trans community about the best dating sites for trans people. Always check the credentials of a site before getting registered.
Be Your Original Self
There is no point in trying to put up a façade to impress someone. It’s simply not worth it. A person who will fall in love with you would accept you with all your supposed inconsistencies and flaws. So never try to create an airbrushed image of yourself in front of someone.
As a MTF transgender woman, you are proud of your identity. You also have a unique personality and individuality. The way you express your femininity is totally your call. Do not feel compelled to adhere to stereotypical notions of femininity in order to prove yourself a woman. You already are a gorgeous woman. And if someone has to love you, they will do so just the way you are.
Confidence and self-esteem are very attractive traits in a woman. Your date would be drawn to you like a moth is to a flame if you stand your ground and create your own rules.
Be Honest with Your Partner
This is the most important aspect of any relationship. You have to be 100 percent honest with your partner. They should have complete clarity regarding your gender identity. In fact, you should make it a point to tell your date everything about your ‘trans’ identity in the initial stages itself. As much as it is your right to have a partner who respects your identity, it is also your right to know your true identity.
If you hide such a crucial aspect of your life early on in the relationship, it would definitely create problems and conflict later on. Communicating your concerns to your partner and educating them about your identity would not only make your bond stronger but would also pave the way for greater acceptance of the transgender community within mainstream society. It’s possible that your partner knows little or nothing about the trans community. So, if you communicate with him on those lines, they will not just support you in your personal life but also highlight the cause of the LGBT community at a larger level.
Communicating your identity early on would also save you from a potentially ‘transphobic’ partner. So as soon as you start talking to someone through a transgender dating app and things begin to get serious, tell them clearly about your gender identity. While you certainly don’t want someone to get obsessed with you being a transgender woman and treat you like a fetish, you also don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t even accept your identity.
Have Realistic Expectations
A MTF transgender woman has seen a lot in life. During transitioning, she has literally been through a roller coaster ride. So, she obviously wants a partner who supports her in every possible way. But she also has to be realistic in her expectations.
If you are dating a cis straight guy who has never dated a trans woman before, you have to give him some time to get used to your identity. This is not to say that you should put up with a rude and insensitive guy. But if there is a cool and sensitive guy who is trying to understand you as a person, be patient with him. Do not expect him to champion the cause of the transgender community during the first couple of dates itself. That would be too much to expect. He is getting to know you as an individual so just go with that flow.
You have to also understand that you it can’t be always about you and your issues. A successful relationship is one that has a fine balance of priorities. Maybe, he has had a bad day at work or perhaps, he is just too tired. In such a scenario, if you start with your problems and woes the moment he drops in, he might not look interested. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he is rude or inconsiderate. He might be having his own issues. So, get involved in his life as well and have realistic expectations from the relationship. A great relationship is one that builds up gradually. So, take it slow, steady and be sensitive to the needs of your partner as well.
Isis King is an American actress, fashion designer, and top model. Isis was assigned male gender at birth. However, she has stated that individuals may allude to her as transgender. She was the first transgender female to content on the show and became one of the most visible trans individuals on TV.
Isis King had been runway modeling for a long time before partaking in America's Next Top Model. Isis is one of a small but growing number of transgender people and characters in film and television, and her inclusion on America's Next Top Model has been called an "unprecedented opportunity" by Neil Giuliano, president of Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. By contending on the show, she has focused on national and prime time issues of sensual orientation changing and intercourse expression.
New York magazine noted that King is one of few transgender models in history to rise to public prominence, comparing her to Teri Toye, former club kid Amanda Lepore, and the gender-bending club promoter and model Andre J. Isis King is a practicing Christian and attends Mosaic Church in Los Angeles.
The moment you call a trans woman a MTF trans woman, the prejudices have somehow already set in. Some transgender women might be offended on being called MTF. That kind of address can give the impression that there is something not quite normal about their identity, that despite being a woman, their identity is deviant in some ways.
A MTF trans woman is a lady who was born with the male biological gender. That is, her body had physical and biological characteristics of a man so she was assigned masculine gender at the time of birth. However, she identifies herself as a female. She had the eerie feeling of being trapped in a male body for a long, a feeling that gave her a lot of anxiety and discomfort. She battled this on a daily basis till she finally decided to come out as a woman. And once she begins to come out as a woman, she might choose to undergo certain medical procedures to develop the outward appearance of the female gender.
Having said that, it is not easy to be a MTF trans woman in this society. Although things are way better than let’s say 20 years ago, they are still far from best. People now perhaps recognize the right of transgender people to live a normal life but accepting them is a different issue altogether. It is still difficult for trans people to find regular jobs. If they are in college or university, completing their education becomes a challenge for them.
A transgender woman goes through a lot of societal challenges once she comes out in the open. But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. These challenges can definitely get her on the verge of a breakdown. But with her characteristic courage, determination and confidence, she can overcome these challenges.
This article tells you about the main challenges faced by a trans woman and how to overcome these.
Struggle with Identity
A trans woman goes through an acute identity crisis for a long time. For every courageous person who has come out as a transgender lady in the public, there is a rather painful background story. She undergoes the most harrowing of identity crisis while growing up. The society judges her by the identity that is assigned at the time of birth. She has the biological characteristics of a man so she is expected to behave like a boy. She is supposed to adopt the typical mannerisms of a guy and socialize in a male pattern as she grows up. But all this gives her enormous distress. She feels like she is trapped in a wrong body and there is no one she can communicate this with. The parents come from the same society so even they might dismiss what she feels and just ask her to conform.
And that is the worst kind of struggle anyone can face. To have people tell you in your face that what you feel so deeply and truly is abnormal, nothing can be more painful than that. This identity crisis often gives rise to gender dysphoria.
All this can be really traumatizing and scary because if you are an adolescent, you can’t even take steps to undergo medical transitioning because you don’t have the finances plus you can’t take such decisions for yourself. That’s why many transgender people come out in the open later in life.
But you don’t have to let this identity crisis mark your life. If you feel like a woman trapped in a male body, speak to your family about it. They might dismiss you at first but if you persist, they will understand you and help you in your journey. If your family is hostile, confide in a friend whom you think understands you. In the meantime, you could get valuable information from a transgender forum and learn from other trans people's experiences. If it gets worse, you could seek help from any of the organizations working for the rights of transgender people. There are many such organizations active these days. A simple Google search will help you figure out how you can get help from one of these.
Struggle to Find Love
This is the common struggle many transgender women face. Once they come out in the open, the next challenge is to find love. Societal apathy makes it next to impossible for a trans woman to seek a partner the way a cis woman does. She can’t just walk into a party and strike a conversation with a guy she finds interesting. The guy might just turn hostile and even abusive the moment she reveals her identity, for all she knows.
So the best bet for a transgender female looking for love is to join a transgender dating site. These days there are many dating sites specially designed for the transgender community. These sites are relatively safer s compared to conventional dating sites. Also on these sites, the person you are talking to more or less knows that you are a transgender woman. In a conventional dating site, there is always that added risk of someone not knowing your identity even if you’ve categorically stated that you are trans.
A trans dating site also gives you the flexibility of communicating with different kinds of people from across the world. Your choices are not limited. If you were dating someone through family or friends, then you would have a limited pool of people to choose from. So this is an added advantage with online dating. Also, there is no pressure to really meet anyone. That’s the best part. You can go on chatting with different people for a long time till you finally decide to go on a date. And if you still feel uncomfortable about meeting someone, you don’t have to. There is no compulsion.
Finding love as a trans woman is definitely not easy but it’s very much possible. It takes all sorts to make this world. There are many wonderful guys out there. Meeting the right one at the right time is all about destiny.
Struggle with Work and Education
Most transgender people undergo some kind of struggle with work and education. This struggle is more acute in countries where the laws are mostly directed against transgender people. But even in countries where the law recognizes their rights, trans people face this problem.
For a trans woman, completing her education or keeping a job is a major challenge. That is why many transgender women keep on delaying medical procedures because they are scared of losing on education or work. There are many transgender women who are forced to lead double lives. They have to hide their identity at the workplace. They are forced to live out their real identity only in private or with close friends. That’s why it’s no surprise that many trans women just quit their jobs.
For a MTF transgender woman with no savings or little financial means, this can be a source of acute distress. Everyone has the right to earn their livelihood. But in case of trans people, even if the company doesn’t directly discriminate against them, there is so much apathy and transphobia at the workplace that they end up quitting anyway.
For a MTF trans woman trying to live a normal life post-medical treatment, all this can be very complicated. Even if she legally gets assigned the female gender after the gender reassignment surgery, she still faces problems.
The only way to address this is by creating more and more awareness around issues faced by the transgender community. Many people don’t even know what is exactly meant by the term trans. They probably confuse trans people with gays and lesbians. So firstly, a massive social movement is needed to educated people about the meaning and implications of the term transgender. Laws alone cannot bring changes. It’ only when cis people in schools, colleges and workplaces will become champions of transgender rights that things will begin to change for good.
Struggle with Conventional Notions of Femininity
This is a typical struggle that a trans woman undergoes. She has the pressure to conform to the conventional standards of femininity. Just feeling like a woman isn’t enough. She has to make sure that her dress, appearance, behaviour simulate that of a cis woman. She attends grooming classes, learns the art of applying makeup, and takes voice lessons to make her voice sound more feminine.
Somewhere, a trans woman has to find her own ground. She has to create her own distinct style and aura. Even all cis women are not the same. Some cis women are ultra-feminine whereas others are more tomboyish and carefree. So there is no sure shot manual to being a woman really. A transgender woman should feel free to embrace femininity in her own unique style. She should not get bogged down by the whole conventional baggage of femininity. Her essence is that of a beautiful woman. And her outward being should reflect that in its distinctive aura.
Face Feminization Surgery or FFS for short, is a facial reconstruction procedure used to give a masculine face a more feminine appearance. It encompasses a broad range of systems designed to alter typical male features bringing them closer to a characteristic female feature. Some of the masculine features developed include various bony and soft tissues such as brows, nose, lips, forehead, cheek, and jawline.
Features in the upper third of the face seem to be the most important, and various procedures such as brow lift, rhinoplasty, and cheek implantation are included in face feminization surgery. However, subtle changes in the lips, such as lip augmentation can have a significant effect.
to Expect in Face Feminization Surgery
Facial feminization surgery might include;
1. Forehead contouring: Bony ridge above women’s eyes socket is less pronounced. The outlines of the forehead tend to be higher, smoother, and more vertical. Part of forehead bone can be cut, removed, reshaped, and fixed back in place to achieve this look.
2. Eye and lid modification: Here, excess tissues are cut away from the upper eyelids.
3. Cheek Augmentation: This procedure is done to achieve the prominent round cheeks women have in the middle third of their face. Cheek augmentation can be performed by breaking and moving the cheekbones into a different position. A different way is by taking fat from a separate part of the body and placing it in the cheeks to alter its size and shape.
4. Nose Reshaping: This procedure involves reducing the size of the nose and its angles for transgender women.
5. Lip lift and Augmentation: This procedure involves the use of implants to achieve a typical shorter and more curled female lip.
Some other procedures to expect are; Mandibular angle reduction, Genioplasty, Tracheal shave, Lowering the hairline, and Hair transplantation.
Definitive results after this surgery might take up to a year to appear. Face Feminization Surgery can be an essential part of gender transition that can dramatically improve the quality of life in mtfs.
For trans women, looking masculine can really take a toll on mental health and overall happiness. The persons around you may knowingly or unknowingly refer to you as "he" or "him" simply because of the way you look. But a beard, large arms or flat chest doesn't make you any less of a woman than a girl with big boobs and broad hips. For personal reasons, you may opt to not get gender reassignment surgery and that is completely fine. It is your life and you should live it the best way you see fit. Here are a few ways to make yourself look less masculine without getting “the surgery”
Making Your Face Appear Less Masculine
If your face looks too masculine, people will assume you are a man. One way to beat this is by completely removing all facial hair, except for your eyebrows. Your eyebrows should be shaved, tweezed, waxed or plucked. After all, they are the frame of your face and can make or break your entire look. Makeup is a great option for making your skin appear smoother, highlighting certain features and hiding others. But be sure to buy quality brands and get a lot of practice before going out into the world. And, if done properly, there's no way to tell that you are a MTF trans woman. You can also grow out your hair or add extensions to feminize your face. The right hairstyle can make that chiseled face look less pronounced and improve your overall appearance.
Making Your Hands Appear Less Masculine
When you look at or feel a woman's hands, generally they are smooth and soft to the touch. If you want to appear less masculine your hands are one part of the body that you must pay keen attention to. One way to make your hands appear less masculine is by moisturizing and conditioning the skin on your hands. This will over time soften the way your hands feel. Some great moisturizers are Coconut oil, Cocoa butter, Argan oil, and Jojoba oil. Another way to feminize your hands is by getting pedicures. Women are expected to have neat, attractive fingernails and by getting a pedicure the overall appearance of your hands will surely be less masculine. You may also get acrylic nails or gel polish styles that are in style now.
Lastly, jewelry is another way that is sure to make your hands appear less masculine. From rings to bracelets to bangles, there is an unlimited supply of jewelry that you can choose from in many different shapes, sizes, colors and designs at varied price points.
Wearing Feminine Clothes
Wearing feminine clothes is a big step in any trans woman's life. The right clothes can boost your confidence and make the people around you more accepting of you. Dresses, skirts, and heels are great options but if you are shy, try feminine jeans or blouses. There are many other ways to make yourself appear less masculine without having gender reassignment surgery. Hopefully, these tips help!