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Serenity VIP

 When you start, online dating holds a lot of excitement: Here you are, on a ts dating site , about to dive into an ocean of possible matches. Especially for those who are not yet committed to any relationship that is romantic in nature, the ‘hunt’ part of online dating comes with its unique sense of thrill.


Too bad that for most people, connecting with potential partners via ts dating apps or platforms has its limits. Who doesn’t know the feeling when the exciting chatter with a new match or contact gives way to tedious and monotonous discussions of topics you’ve covered again and again? In case you are new to online dating, be prepared to make such experiences.


While chatting online with people you cannot see, communicating only via text messages and emojis, can become boring very quickly due to the nature of the conversation, another risk you face every time you open your ts dating app is the ‘what’ you talk about. Too many times, a lovely and wonderful meeting in the virtual room of a site has devolved into tedious accounts of the respective person’s day. If there were a  rewards or points program that gave you a penny each time someone asks you, after a gap in communication, “How are you?” or “How was your day?”, we would all be millionaires already. 


Don’t misunderstand, though: Sharing details about your day and your life has its place in online dating. How someone replies to “How was your day?” tells you a lot about what this person values in life.

Yet if they say the same thing for three days in a row, or their replies grow shorter by the minute, then you know you have hit boredom territory. 


Since yes, chances are high that your date or chatting partner also shares this sense of listlessness while engaging with you. If you don’t act now, you might ruin what could have been the start of a great romantic journey for yourself. Therefore, you have to ensure that you keep every online date you have as memorable and fun as possible, both for your sake and your partner’s.


Easier said than done, however. There is a certain degree of creativity needed in order to spice up your conversations, especially if you haven’t seen the hide nor hair of the person you are talking to. And while you might consider yourself quite the open-minded, flexible person who could excel at an improv class if these were still a thing (at least in person), you might eventually run out of ideas as well.


This is why we have gathered a list of tips that can help you turn those monotonous conversations into memorable and delightful moments of the budding romance.



Tips on how to get creative with trans dating online:



– Share meaningful details

When the inevitable question of “How are you?” or “How was your day?” arrives in your inbox, consider one-word replies banned for life. Think about the reasons instead:  Why do you want to say you’re fine? Why was your day just okay, as opposed to great or wonderful? Add these tidbits to your answer. Being honest will motivate your online dating partner to reply in kind.


– Speaking of honesty: be truthful

You signed up for this transgender dating app or this trans dating site to find a real connection and long-term romantic partnership. Leave the posing and flexing for hook-up culture. Admit to driving an ancient car because it is more fiscally responsible. Own your career trajectory, wherever it has led. Share your struggles with your identity (especially on dating sites for transgender women, men, and other folks). Only if you are honest will you find people who share your values and outlook on life, which is the basis for a successful relationship.


– Ask questions

Even if you are nervous or unsure if it is okay with the other person to simply pose questions, this will help get conversations going. Most people love talking about themselves, so seize that to your advantage. Think about what you would most like to know and start with that.


– Think of new topics to talk about

Yes, this might be a no-brainer, but all too often, online chats are centered on just telling each other what you have done for the day. If you go for this strategy every time, both you and your date are going to lose interest soon enough. So off you go! Find new topics that are interesting enough to help you talk with your date at length and with vibrancy. The first and best place to start is, of course, the other person’s profile. Check out their interests and hobbies. If none are listed, put on your detective hat and inspect the photos they uploaded. Look for the context, and ask about it.


– Use outside resources

Once you have exhausted the new topics you thought about, there is nothing wrong with involving outside help. This can come in the form of a fun news article or blog post that caught your eye, or simply a trailer for a new series or the announcement of a new album by a band you or your chatting partner cares about. You will be surprised how such a little gesture can bring you closer together and kick-start a passionate discussion.


– Expand your repertoire

As in, surprise your dates once in a while! Show them something they do not expect to see when you start the chat. It may be a video of you singing their favorite song, or a photo of your pet (or child) delivering a thoughtful or funny message. By sprinkling in surprises into your online dating chats, your potential partners will always look forward to receiving a notification that they have a new message. It might also, in turn, inspire them to reply in kind and think of surprises for you.


– Embrace your inner child

Not necessarily by talking about your childhood interests (although that can be a fascinating topic all on its own), but by being silly together. Yes, even when you are only conversing online you can have fun with antics and banter. You can post photos of yourself wearing crazy headpieces and costumes. You can play games as if you are together. You can compete with each other about who can tell or find the funnier jokes. Do not think that, just because finding love online is a serious topic,  that you need to stay ‘on brand’ with that tone all throughout your online dating experience.


– Go beyond simple chatting

Of course, you will want to limit your online dates to messaging or the occasional voice message at the beginning. Yet once you are comfortable and, most importantly, have established a foundation of trust with the other person, make use of the many opportunities that technology has already developed. Hop on a video call – or plan on for a time that fits both you and your date’s schedules – and allow your match to hear your voice and see your face. This would help you carry on conversations for a long time without becoming easily tired of having to type everything you want to say. Needless to say, this also opens up your dates to new possibilities, like a shared dinner over video chat or a game you both enjoy.


– Flirt!

Seriously, get that charm on and use it to your advantage. Only if that is your talent, though. Awkward moments are inevitable, but you don’t need to ask for them. As an alternative, simply be your nicest self. Respect the other person and show you appreciate them taking the time to engage with you.


As you can see, there are so many ways through which you can improve your experience on ts dating sites. You do not have to limit yourself just because the nature of online dating has you taking through a keyboard without a visual of the other person. Be creative and let your mind rule over your physical boundaries.


But hang on… how do you know what is the right strategy to use? 


A valid question, the answer to which depends on the respective situation. Think about how your date engages with you and determine which vibe you are getting from them. Serious or playful? Cheery or restrained? This can give you an idea of how to start being more creative with online dating. Once you have begun, do not be afraid to experiment. Try out different approaches and see how your potential partner reacts. This will help you practice, give you more insight into the person you are communicating with, and help filter out those who definitely don’t fit your expectations. 


And hey, if you have exhausted all options and are at the end of your list of ideas, it might be time to genuinely take the experience offline! Sure, that’s another thing that is so easily said but poses challenges when it comes to execution. But if you apply the same creativity to this step, you will certainly find a way that fits both your and your date’s lives and personalities.


Serenity VIP

The online dating universe is full of characters. Especially when it comes to a trans woman, there are many guys out there who have a certain characteristic trait.  Whether you are registered on a transgender dating app or a transsexual dating site, you are bound to meet these types who are fascinated by the fact that you are a transgender woman.

Now, that doesn’t mean that these guys cannot be nice. Or that they necessarily have some ulterior motives. Love can be found anywhere. It comes under various disguises in the most unexpected of circumstances. And that’s the beauty of love. But when you’ve made a list of the best transgender dating sites and are about to register yourself on one, it’s best to get some insight into these typical personality types that you will definitely meet online.

Society still stereotypes transgender people. And these stereotypes are bound to reflect in the guys from that society. As a trans woman, you have to get used to the fact that your body and personality would often be seen through this biased lens. While that doesn’t mean that you write off those guys completely, it does mean that you have to be a bit on your guard while pursuing the dating business.

There are four typical personality types you’ll surely meet while dating online. Let’s have a look at them one by one.

The Curious Guy

Now, the curious guy is simply the guy who is way too curious about a transsexual woman. He has obviously never dated a trans woman before so he is just too overwhelmed by the novelty of the whole experience. When you are dating the ‘Curious Guy’, be prepared to be bombarded with a lot of questions related to your identity, your body, how you feel, what is your story and all that. Now while this kind of guy is not necessarily the wrong type, you might end up getting offended or hurt. As a trans woman, you might get put off by his lack of interest in you as an individual and his obsession with your ‘transgender identity. However, if you give him a chance and not judge him too harshly, it is quite possible that he begins to admire you as an individual and connects with you on a rather genuine level once the initial ‘curiosity’ phase is over.

Whether you’ve met him through a trans dating app or a trans girl dating site, the good thing about the curious guy is that he doesn’t have any ulterior motives. He is curious about you as a trans woman but that’s pretty much it. He is open to dating you as an individual. Once that initial ‘curiosity ‘phase is over. He might just want to date you seriously and long term.

How you deal with the curious guy depends on your comfort level. If his curiosity about your ‘trans’ status has reached such exaggerated proportions that it’s making you feel uncomfortable or offended, then you should tell him straightaway to respect some boundaries. And if he still doesn’t understand, you should just consider not dating him anymore. When you are dating someone through a transgender dating app or a transsexual dating app, it’s all about your comfort level. You don’t have to feel compelled to be nice to somebody if they are not your type.

The Experimental Guy

Now, this is the kind of guy who might have dated a transgender woman before. But he is not interested in her as an individual. It’s a kind of an experiment for him, something he indulges in to prove that he likes trying out different things. He might be a smooth operator, making you fall head over heels in love with him. He will say the right things, never offend you, and pretend to respect you. All this unfortunately has an ulterior motive. He is probably just looking for a one-night stand to satiate his experimental urge. If and when he gets that, he might just disappear.

So, whether you’ve met him through a trans woman dating site or a transsexual dating app, this is the kind of guy you have to beware of. He will be all suave and sophisticated so it might be difficult for you to find out his truth. But if you are a bit careful, you would be able to see through his shallowness.

The best way to ward off such a guy is by actually encouraging him to see you on dates without actually giving in physically. That will expose him completely. Because physical gratification is the only thing that the experimental guy is looking for so if he doesn’t get that, he will just disappear.

But as a trans woman, you have to very careful about this type of guy. He is the kind who can actually mess with your heart and ruin you emotionally. He is himself clear about the fact that he doesn’t really want to date you. You are just an object of experimentation for him. And he will deploy all his charms, niceties, everything for that experiment to succeed. Once that experiment is over, he doesn’t know you. You won’t even exist for him. So, it is very important to stay away from this type of guy.

In fact, if you are careful, you can figure out such a guy during the initial chatting phase itself. When you are talking to several guys through a transgender dating app or a transgender dating site, you can actually make out from the conversation what their real motives are.

The Trans Female Fetish Guy

This kind of guy is the most dangerous. And the unfortunate thing is he is not in minority. When a trans woman registers herself on a transgender dating site or a trans girl dating site, there is a huge probability of meeting such guys. Now, this is the kind of guy who is actually into a transgender woman. He doesn’t really want to date them and is only looking for sexual gratification. He is deeply influenced by the portrayal of trans women in popular culture and wants to have some ‘fun’ with a trans woman on those lines.

For any trans woman dating through a transsexual dating app or trans dating site, this kind of guy will probably the first to take initiative and start sending messages right away because he is desperate for some action. And the ‘Trans Female Fetish Guy’ is so dangerous because he can even harm you physically.

The good thing though is that if you are a bit careful, it’s easy to recognize this personality type. This kind of guy won’t be interested in hanging out with you at public places like cafes, bars and restaurants. Even if he does meet you at a public place on the first date, it is guaranteed that from the next time onwards, he would just want to have you guys hang out together at his place or your place. His only motive is to seduce you into getting physical with him. The trans female fetish guy doesn’t want to be seen in public with you. So, once you blatantly refuse to meet him anywhere other than a public place, he will understand that you have figured him out and will stop chasing you.

But even at a public place, you have to be super careful of this kind of guy as he can go to any extent to fulfil his ulterior motives. He might just try to place your drinks or something. So as a trans woman, whenever you date any guy even at a public place, it’s best to let a friend or family member know your location so that in case you are in trouble, they can help you.

Also, once the date is over, make sure you get back to your place on your own.  Never accept his offer to drop you home. In fact, he shouldn’t have an idea of where you live. The trans female fetish guy is the kind of guy who can stalk you and potentially harm you. So, you have to be super careful while dating this kind of guy. If your gut instinct tells you there is something fishy about this person, then just feel free to leave in the middle of the date. You don’t have to give him the benefit of doubt because your safety is what’s most important.

The Random Guy

Now, the random guy is actually full of possibilities. And he can be harmful or harmless depending on the situation. Suppose you have just joined a transgender dating site or a transgender dating app and you meet a guy who seems to be a bit too spontaneous while going about everything. He just clicks on the profiles he likes and then on the spur of a moment, sets a date with you.

For a trans woman, all this can be a bit confusing and scary. It’s possible that he hasn’t paid attention to your ‘trans’ identity. Even if you’ve categorically told him that you are a trans woman while the two of you got chatting, it’s possible that he was lost in his own world and didn’t pay attention to what you said.

Meeting such a guy is like taking a chance. It’s possible that he runs away the moment he realizes that he is dating a trans woman. But an equal possibility is that he doesn’t care too much about your ‘trans’ status and the two of you connect magically and wonderfully.

In love as in life, it’s all about taking chances. Some changes work, others don’t. But there is nothing that we know for sure unless we take a chance.

At the same time, it’s important to be careful while talking to guys through a transgender dating site or a transsexual dating app. Make it a point to communicate your trans status clearly from your side. It’s important for your safety because some guys can be terribly transphobic.


Serenity VIP

If you just started dating a trans woman or you just started talking on a transsexual dating site, your first conversations are very important. You will have to get to know each other and start to realize if you are meant to be together or not. This can be a lot more difficult than it actually seems. So while you start talking with your match on an MTF dating site you should think good about the topics you touch.

Don’t Go Deep

You shouldn’t go too deep in the personal life of your potential lover from the first time you interact on a trans dating website. Ask them about their hobbies and what they are looking for in a man. And decide if you can meet their expectations in an honest way.

There is so much more to a relationship than physical attraction but your intimacy will also be very important. Once you decide that you can have common hobbies, you will be able to move forward to a new level in your relationship. As long as you stay honest and you are genuinely interested in your match, you will end up with a great relationship.

Know Your Boundaries

Don’t expect too much – Think that you go on a date just to meet a new friend with only this in your mind, “Who knows? He is the one!” If you have carefully assessed that the person is not what you want then just finish the date happily without regret.

Set your time to a minimum – Don’t date the whole day. The excitement to see you again will be lost.

Leave – If your date shows rudeness to you then why continue? Walk away with head’s up high.

Enjoy the Date

In a nutshell, you need to have some knowledge about what transsexuality is before dating a transsexual woman. Some quick online research would help you have a basic understanding of what being transgender really means. When you understand certain concepts, such as gender dysphoria, you will be more than ready to date a trans woman.

Serenity VIP

There are a lot of social taboos attached to dating a transgender person. Most people, even if they are brave enough to take the plunge, get dissuaded by family and friends. But things are changing. With an exponential increasing in the number of dating sites for transgender people, the gap between the so-called cis world and trans world is closing day by day.

In this day and age, it’s not unusual to find cis men who are in a happy and stable relationship with a trans woman and vice versa. The so-called society still frowns upon the idea of dating a transgender person but the good thing is attitudes are changing and they are changing fast.

Dating a trans person is not about some instant gratification or even general curiosity. In fact, it can be a life-changing experience. Dating a trans person through a ts dating app can change your life for good. It can open up your mind to a whole new range of worldviews and perspectives. It gets you out of your little shell and makes you appreciate difference and diversity. Dating a transgender person gets one into a zone where they gradually become more accommodating, sensitive, broad-minded and empathetic. In fact, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that the whole experience makes you a better human being.

Whom you want to date is ultimately your choice and preference. But the whole point is you should not lose your eyes to an entire community of interesting people just because of some stupid social stigma. This article introduces you to a couple of points regarding how dating a transgender person can be a life-changing experience.

Trans Dating Introduces You to a Diverse Set of People

Not all dates end in relationships obviously. But the mere act of joining a trans dating site and communicating with a trans man or woman can enrich you mentally. You get to know about the issues faced by transgender community. And most importantly, you get to realize that trans people are very different from stereotypes of them portrayed by media and popular culture.

By dating a transgender man or woman, you get to appreciate them as an individual. When you chat with them online and talk about mutual likes, dislikes and interests, you realize that it’s like talking to any cis person. And that’s when you begin to get out of the societal prejudice complex against the transgender community.

Transsexual Dating Makes You a Stronger and Focussed Person

If you are a cis man dating a trans woman, you would slowly realize how much she has gone through in life. And she has still managed to pull herself together beautifully. Her charm and energy are infectious. She always motivates you to do better in life. Looking at her beautiful face and going by her magical laughter, you cannot even begin to imagine there is so much pain hidden underneath.

In comparison to her life trajectory, your own woes and worries will seem miniscule. And yet, you fret and fume and worry so much about things like a bad day at work, missing a job promotion or missing the deadline for applying for that dream job. On the contrary, she is an individual who has literally undergone hell in order to live out the life she wants to. And at every step, she has faced societal abuse and discrimination. Her own friends and family might have deserted her at some point in time. And still, she is not broken.  She has childlike enthusiasm about everything and lights up your life.

Being with a trans woman is certainly going to make you a stronger and more focused person. This relationship is no ordinary one. It will give an immense boost to your personal development and your ability to chase professional goals.

You Become More Empathetic and Sensitive

Transsexual dating can make you a more empathetic and sensitive individual. When you are in a relationship with a transgender person, you have to stand up for your partner. Your friends might not like them. You family might disapprove of them. At such times, it is possible that your partner breaks down. This is when they need your unconditional mental support.

Dating a trans person makes you question a lot of things about your general behaviour with people around. When you see your partner getting hurt by the barbs of society, you remember your own inconsiderate behaviour with someone. It leads you to a process of deep self-introspection. And this is a life-changing experience.

You Get to Date Incredibly Gorgeous People!

While this might sound like a shallow reason for dating someone, it does apply. To be honest, physical attraction is the first motivation that makes us want to go out with someone in the first place. Other things are obviously important and then they follow. But what starts it all is sparks of mutual attraction.

If you are a guy dating a transgender woman, you would instantly know what I mean. A trans woman is an incrediblywell groomed creature. She takes great care of herself physically and mentally. When you meet her, she is radiant, her skin is glowing and she is dressed just right for the occasion. And yet, her beauty is effortless. She is a natural diva. The look of a trans woman would be never over the top. But you would never see her turn up slovenly for a date or for an outing.

When you are with someone who gives importance to their physical appearance, it is natural that you start taking better care of yourself too. You start exercising; you dress up more stylishly and just generally pamper yourself more. And physical appearances are not so shallow after all. People who make effort to pull themselves together externally are also more at peace internally. They have good self-esteem. Such people are also more positive. If you are slovenly and careless about your appearance, it creates a certain negative energy web around. But if you are polished and well-groomed, you exude optimism.

It Can Make You Meet Your Soulmate

Most people go through many hit and trial experiences before they find their soulmate. And many a time, people are stuck in unhappy relationships simply because they closed themselves to other possibilities. If you date someone through your circle of friends or acquaintances, your options are limited. Thus, the likelihood of meeting someone like-minded is also very low. On the contrary, if you consider joining a dating site for transgender people, it opens up a whole new world.

Love is mysterious and unpredictable. It doesn’t follow a straightforward logic that if you are a cis guy, you would only fall in love with a cis woman. No, you can fall in love with anyone irrespective of whether they are straight or trans. And that is the beauty of love. You have more chances of finding your soulmate if you don’t restrict your dating preferences by a rigid criteria.

Dating a trans man or a woman doesn’t always have to be viewed through the lens of their gender identity. That is just an aspect of their life. They are unique, wonderful individuals like any other. So if you approach them with an open mind minus all that baggage, it will be a wonderful experience. And who knows, you might just end up meeting your soulmate!

Trans Dating Can Make You a Better Person

This is the best thing about dating a transgender person. The whole experience can make you a better person. In the long term, it increases your awareness of the issues surrounding the LGBT community in general.  As you connect with your partner and their worldview, you will notice that there is a whole new world out there that needs to be understood and embraced.

You might even get involved with the cause of rights and issues of the transgender community and communicate their viewpoint to the world at large. Or you might choose not to get involved in the issue at a larger political or social level. But with a trans partner by your side, you certainly cannot keep yourself insulated from the issues and things that affect your partner’s life.

We all strive to become better person throughout our life. But not all of us get the opportunity. As they say, in order to evolve as a human being, one needs to go through a lot of grinds. Here you are lucky to not go through the grind yourself but to learn from the experiences of a partner who has faced a lot. And you stand with him or her in their personal battle; it also increases your social awareness manifold. You are not the same person anymore. You begin to observe things around you more closely and general issues like inequality and marginalization have a way more profound effect on you than they used to. All this is certainly great news for your personal journey as an individual. 

Serenity VIP

Isis King is an American actress, fashion designer, and top model. Isis was assigned male gender at birth. However, she has stated that individuals may allude to her as transgender. She was the first transgender female to content on the show and became one of the most visible trans individuals on TV. 

Isis King had been runway modeling for a long time before partaking in America's Next Top Model. Isis is one of a small but growing number of transgender people and characters in film and television, and her inclusion on America's Next Top Model has been called an "unprecedented opportunity" by Neil Giuliano, president of Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. By contending on the show, she has focused on national and prime time issues of sensual orientation changing and intercourse expression. 

New York magazine noted that King is one of few transgender models in history to rise to public prominence, comparing her to Teri Toye, former club kid Amanda Lepore, and the gender-bending club promoter and model Andre J. Isis King is a practicing Christian and attends Mosaic Church in Los Angeles.

Serenity VIP

Dating a trans woman is not easy but it is one of the most exciting things you can do. Transgender dating became a lot more popular in the past years and you should definitely jump in this boat if you want to learn more about the rules of dating a trans woman and develop yourself. If you have an account on a trans dating website, such as the MTF dating site, you will have to get the courage to actually get together with your match.

Dating a trans woman will bring you new romantic experiences that you will never forget. It will help you rediscover new levels of passion and gain more confidence in yourself. Ultimately, such a relationship will bring you happiness and stability so you should give it a fair try. Jumping in the field of trans dating means that you are opened to learn new things about love and women. So that will enrich your experience but also your capacity of understanding your partner much better.

Rules of Dating a Trans Woman

Dating a transgender woman is one of the most intense experiences you can have in your love life. Trans people are very much in touch with their desirability and they are well aware of their worth. You will have to follow certain ethical rules when you are thinking to date and start a love relationship with such a complex woman. Here are some tips that will help you be successful in your relationship!

Try to Discover Them Beyond Their Appearance

Being interested in a genuine way in your trans lady is always the key to your successful relationship. Try to discover them every time you talk or interact and appreciate who they really are.

Be Confident

You have to trust yourself that you are good enough in order to help your lover trust you. Know your qualities and don’t be shy in expressing them.

Remain Honest Under All Circumstances

You should always stay honest when you talk to a transgender woman. On the MTF dating site, honesty is one of the most important aspects. It is also what brings and keeps couples together.

These top rules of dating a trans woman will help you not only meet the right trans woman but also keep her in your life. And finally, dating a transgender woman will make you more aware of what you have to offer to your lover and what you expect from them. Go beyond your limits and find your lover today!

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