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Serenity VIP

Trans girl dating is new terrain for most cis men.  Most of them have probably never ever thought of dating a trans woman as it isn’t something that fits into the typical societal Mould. And even if there are a few who are fascinated by the idea of dating a trans woman, they are scared of societal disapproval. Society is still very prejudiced against transgender people so they probably dismiss the idea thinking it’s not worth the risk.

But most men don’t have an idea about what they are missing on. Love with a transgender woman is a euphoric experience. It’s something that leaves you utterly hypnotized and transports you to a different land altogether! If you have only dated cis women, you have just touched the tip of the iceberg. The kind of passion and raw emotion that a trans woman can bring into the art of lovemaking, a cis woman can’t even get anywhere near that.

Dating a trans woman is like exploring an altogether new dimension of the universe.  And for those who don’t judge people on the basis of silly societal norms, it’s a great way to meet an amazing and beautiful woman who values her femininity to such a great extent. The whole idea of making love to somebody whom society technically doesn’t allow you to date is such a novel one in itself.  It is a rather sublime and beautiful transgression. And if you have the courage and guts to make this transgression, then the rewards will be great.

These days you can easily meet a trans woman through a trans girl dating site or a dating site for transgender woman.  

Making love with trans women is surely an experience of a lifetime. But it is important to keep a few things in mind while making love with transgender females. If you follow these points, then your lovemaking would surely have the kind of passion and intensity that most couples can only dream of!.

There are two kinds of Transgender Women

Coming out as a trans woman is a different experience for everyone. Most choose to undergo medical transitioning while some skip it completely. Many trans women undergo certain medical procedures but not all. So basically, some trans women have had vaginoplasty while some haven't.

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that creates a surgically implanted vagina. Now, this surgically created vagina is fresh and might even feel better than the vagina of a cis woman.  So, this is something you have to keep in mind while making love to a trans woman, whether she has had Vaginoplasty or not.

With the trans woman who has had vaginoplasty, your sexual experience would be quite similar to the one with cis women. When you stimulate her vagina in the act of foreplay and intercourse, it would give you the same pleasure as the vagina of a cis woman. However, in the case of trans women who don’t have a vagina, the entire experience of lovemaking is different. So, it might not be for you if you like lovemaking to be somewhat conventional in a heterosexual way. You would enjoy making love to a trans woman without a vagina if you are bisexual. Of course, even if you are not bisexual, you can still enjoy the whole experience if you are open to trying out new things. If you are the kind of guy who has a fantasy about anal sex, then this is your best chance. And the amazing thing is you are having anal sex with a woman. Even if the trans woman doesn’t have a vagina, she is still a woman so the whole experience is within the matrix of a man and a woman making love. You can meet a different kind of trans women through various trans woman dating sites or transgender dating websites.

You have to take the Lead

The stereotypes about trans women being masculine and aggressive are well, basically just stereotypes. That’s why many guys have this misconception that in lovemaking, it’s the trans woman who calls the shots and the guy is generally in the submissive position. This is just not true.

When you actually meet a trans woman through a transgender dating site, you will realize that she can be incredibly shy. In fact, it is advisable that while dating a trans woman, a guy should make the first move. Trans women have all those super feminine fantasies of her sexy, muscular guy holding her and taking her to the bedroom. She wants her man to take the lead. So, in that sense, she is quite similar to a cis woman. While making love to a trans woman, you also have to be very gentle as she still might be in the process of getting used to her new vagina.

Trans Women have Stunning Bodies

This is a big advantage when it comes to making love with trans females. She has a stunning body that is way more well-proportioned than the body of an average cis woman. So, it’s good to take her stunning body into account while you are ready to make love to her!

A well-sculpted, beautiful physique is not just great from an aesthetic point of view while lovemaking but it also increases your chances of being able to try out new positions while having sex. Your trans female with her gorgeous and super flexible body makes it a pleasure for you to navigate different positions and undertake some novel experiments in lovemaking!

Do not expect her to jump into bed just Because she is a Trans Woman

Now, there are many stereotypes surrounding transsexual people. And most of these stereotypes are just terrible manifestations of society’s general bigotry towards trans people. So, when you are dating a trans woman through a transgender dating app or a transgender dating site, do not judge her by any of these stereotypes.

For deciding when is the right time to ask a trans woman to take your relationship to the next level that is make it physical, follow the same rules that you do with cis women. Just because she is a trans woman, that doesn’t mean she is some kind of exotic kink to satiate your perversions. She is a woman like any other and you cannot presume things about her just because she is trans.

If you’ve met her through a trans dating site and you guys are out together for your first date, please do not straightaway announce that you want to sleep with her unless you get some very strong indication from her side that she is looking for some fun. She is a beautiful woman so treat her with the dignity that every woman deserves. Get to know her first and after a couple of dates when you feel that there is strong mutual attraction, make the move only then.

Lovemaking with a Trans Woman can be quite a Passionate Affair

Now you might say this can be true for any love affair where two people have great chemistry. But that’s just not the case, when you are making love to a cis woman, there is a certain frigidity about her that doesn’t allow her to open up completely. Your lovemaking might tick all the boxes technically but when it comes to passion, she is just not able to show you her wild side 100 percent because there is a certain hesitancy on her part.

With a trans woman you’ve met through a trans dating site, you can be assured that there would be no such hesitancy. When you go out with her on a date, she will be all feminine and ladylike. And when it comes to lovemaking, she would certainly expect you to make the first move. But when the two of you are in the throes of lovemaking, you would get to see the wild, animal side of her.

When it comes to passion during lovemaking, no cis woman can get even dream of competing with what a trans woman is capable of. She is passion personified. So, when it comes to her sexual appetite in the process of lovemaking, you will be just left gasping for breath! That is the kind of ferocious intensity a trans woman is capable of.

Do not have any pre-conceived Notions about your Lovemaking

Just because she is a trans woman you’ve met through a trans dating app, please do not harbour any pre-conceived notions about the kind of lovemaking that you guys will indulge in. Many men get influenced by whatever they see in transgender porn and they expect similar kind of stuff from a transgender female in reality.

If that is your intention of dating her, then don’t even bother. She has a lot of attention already and she doesn’t give two hoots to anybody who wants to use her to satiate their fetish. If you date her, respect the boundaries. Do not ask her inappropriate questions about her body parts. And when it comes to lovemaking, just follow the approach that you would with any cis woman.

The basics are the same. Lots of foreplay so that sexual tension between the two of you begins to build up and then take things from there. Just go with the flow. Do not treat transgender porn as some kind of manual that teaches you how to make love with a trans woman. Infact, get trans porn out of your head completely. You got to know that in those videos, there is a well-rehearsed and staged fantasy act being put together and offered for public consumption. It’s not reality. So, when it comes to lovemaking with a trans woman, you just have to follow the basic real-life approach. Just feel the passion and go with the flow.



Serenity VIP

Attracting a woman is no mean feat. It is literally an art form that requires patience, perseverance and dedication. No matter how good looking you are, a woman isn’t just going to fall head over heels in love with you on the first date. It doesn’t work like that! And when it comes to attracting a transgender woman, you need to work even harder.

A trans woman has often been at the receiving end of societal discrimination and hatred. So, it is but natural that she is extra cautious when it comes to evaluating men. When you begin chatting with her through a transgender dating site, make sure that you take it slow and steady. You have to win her confidence gradually.

In trans girl dating, it is important to follow a certain code of conduct. You need to keep a couple of things in mind while communicating with her and taking things forward. With the right attitude and approach, you can certainly attract a trans woman. This article lists a few tips that would help you impress your date and create the foundation of a beautiful and everlasting relationship.


Pay Her Genuine Compliments

All women love compliments. So, if you want to impress your trans woman, make sure you notice the minutest of things about her and pay her genuine compliments. Even while you chatting with her on a transgender dating site, comment on her positive attributes. Compliments about looks and physical beauty are the obvious ones but she will be even more impressed if you compliment her on her personality traits. It could be anything; her empathy, her communication skills, her confidence or even her general knowledge. If you notice little things about her personality and compliment her on those, she would appreciate that you are taking a genuine interest in her entire being. And that will definitely increase your appeal in her eyes manifold.

But you have to make sure that the compliments are genuine and heartfelt. If you literally bombard her with over the top, generic compliments, she would be able to see through your fakeness. So be attentive to her entire personality. If you are out on a date with her, notice how she is wearing her hair, what her dress is like, if she is wearing any jewellery. Women just love it when their men notice those little details. Compliment her on the way that particular lock of hair falls on her forehead and she would love it.


Be the Good, Old-Fashioned Gentleman

A trans woman is a super sensitive and well-groomed lady who truly values good social etiquette and behaviour. So, when you are out on a date with her, be a thorough gentleman. And it’s not just about how you behave with her. The greatest giveaway of a person’s character is the way he behaves with those socially inferior to him. So, make sure that you act courteous and polite with the staff if you are dating her in a café or a restaurant.

At the end of the day, good old chivalries never go out of fashion. Draw out that chair for her, hold open that door for her and just generally be courteous and make sure she is comfortable when the two of you are out on a date. In trans woman dating, it is these little gestures that matter.

Also, remember to be punctual. Punctuality might sound like an obvious thing but it can literally make or break a relationship. Just imagine meeting a trans woman for the first date and turning up half an hour later! No matter how far you had to travel or what kind of horrendous traffic jams you were stuck in, she is probably just going to walk off in anger. So, turn up 10 minutes before time but never later than the scheduled time.


Be Sensitive About Her Identity

Now, this is the most important factor in trans woman dating. Many trans women are scared of dating cis guys because these guys are only interested in her ‘trans’ identity. They are rude, insensitive and ask her uncomfortable questions about her transitioning. Please do not be that guy if you are looking for a serious, long-term relationship with a transgender woman.

There are some boundaries that you have to observe while dating her. Do not get obsessed with her ‘trans’ identity and make it the sole topic of conversation during your date. Just remember that she is a woman like any other, she is an individual with a unique aura and personality. So, try to connect with that individual. Build a conversation around her hobbies, interests, likes and all that. It’s just like you would talk to any other individual. Don’t exoticize her or put her in a special bracket just because she is a trans woman.

Even if you’ve been dating her for a while, it’s still not cool to ask her probing questions about transitioning or her body parts. If there is something she feels you should know, she would communicate on her own when the right time comes. But do not pester her with insensitive questions surrounding her identity.

A trans woman is super sensitive about her identity. And this is understandable considering the complex emotional and physical journey she has undergone to embrace that identity. She expects her partner to be with her in that journey and support her unconditionally. If you are sensitive about her identity, you would certainly find a solid place in her heart fairly soon.


Impress Her by Planning a Unique Date!

A transgender woman loves it when the guy takes a lead in planning out things. When you are well past the initial phase of communicating with her through a transgender dating site, it’s time to plan out an awesome first date.

Most guys don’t invest too much time or energy in planning out a date. They just seem to think that taking a woman out to any fancy restaurant, bar or café would do the trick. Well, this certainly won’t impress your trans woman. She is a creative individual whose head is buzzing with all sorts of ideas. It is therefore only natural that she expects her man to plan an ‘out of the box’ date.

So, take note of her hobbies and interests. Do some research on what all dates you can plan that incorporate those interests and then fix up something accordingly. If she is passionate about a certain kind of music, make sure you take her out somewhere where there is a live band playing that kind of stuff. That would certainly impress her. Or if she is into art, surprise her by taking her to one of the most happening art exhibitions of the town and then wrap up the date in style with a romantic meal at an artsy café.

Everybody loves a bit of surprise and unpredictability. That’s a natural human trait. And a trans woman has seen so much in life that she knows the importance of valuing somebody who makes a genuine effort to connect with her. So, if you spend time and energy creatively planning out your first date, you might just end up being her knight in shining armour.


Stand Up for Her

This is the most important factor to consider if you really want to win the love and respect of your trans woman. The most important criterion she looks for in a guy is that he should be able to stand up for her. You have to realize that it’s not easy to date a trans woman. When your dating gets serious, your own family might not approve of the relationship. Your friends and relatives might just disrespect her. You have to be prepared to stand firmly by her side in all those kinds of scenarios. You have to be mentally prepared to firmly tell your own family that they cannot disrespect your lady love.

When you are communicating with her on a transgender dating site, it’s just the beginning. Then you start going out on dates with her. When it starts getting intense and serious, that’s when she needs your unconditional mental support. And it’s not just about your friends and family disapproving of her. You have to take up her cause in front of the entire society if the need be.  When you are out with her in a public place and someone disrespects her because of her trans identity, you are not supposed to sit quietly. She expects you to stand up for her self-respect and identity and tell off that person.

Looks, charm, physical attractiveness, all these things are surface. What a trans woman is really looking for is a genuine man with a heart of gold. She is looking for a guy who will never let her down, no matter what. So, if you give her ample reason to believe you are that guy, you would certainly be able to attract her and win her love and respect.


Serenity VIP

Relationship partners of transgender-identified individuals have distinctive couple-related experiences that are important to understanding. The “Organizational Diversity” field concentrates studies on the experiences of groups that are different from the archetypal male, white, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied and western worker. When analyzing the studies regarding gender relations, however, one perceives their concentration on the dynamics between men and women localized in developed western countries. Transgender persons are persons whose identity and/or gender expression differs from what is socially attributed to their bodies, breaking with the heteronormative logic.

In Brazil, where only the bodies within this discourse are legitimate, this group is systematically excluded from a myriad of spaces including the formal job market. Therefore, the experiences of these people at and with work are invisible to organizational diversity's theory and practice.

To explore this issue, this study analyses the perceptions that the transgender person maintains about their relations:

1. With their professional history

2. With other people in their work environment

3. With organizational policies and practices.

Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were made with six transgender persons that work in organizations. From these narratives, it was found that the person's level of passing usually influences their relations and that the ignorance regarding transgender permeates all three domains of relations.

The Conclusions are:

1. The relations with work are marked by opportunity restrictions

2. The relations in the job hold the person responsible for their own intelligibility and safety

3. The relations with the organization vary according to the way it faces transgenderism and its own voice systems.

Transgenders are “people whose gender identity is different from their assigned gender at birth”. Individuals who identify themselves as transgender usually seek gender reassignment treatments, which may or may not include gender reassignment surgery. Transgender women (or trans women) are people whose body is read as male and whose gender identity is a woman. They usually go through treatments to acquire characteristics typical of the female gender and adopt names, clothes, and mannerisms seen as female. A transgender man (or trans man), in turn, is one whose body is read as female and whose gender identity is a man. They seek to acquire characteristics that are typical of the male gender and use names, clothes, and mannerisms seen as male. When considering their choice of work and hiring and admission processes, the word employed most often by respondents is if they are passable, the degree to which others take a transgender person as cisgender.

In practice, the higher a transgender person is passable, the less likely they are to suffer transphobia: if one's gender expression allows them to be seen by others as cisgender, they will not be subject to the prejudice and discrimination aimed at transgender people, increasing their chances of entering and remaining in the formal labor market. Two aspects affect them being passable: one's name and one's appearance. The ignorance regarding transgender people not only permeates the relations transgender people keep with others in their work environment, but also with the organization itself. The result is that trans phobia creates and maintains difficulties for transgender people in entering and remaining in the formal labor market.

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