When a transgender woman finally agrees to a first date, you will definitely be on cloud nine. However, now comes the tricky part: Where do you go on your first outing together? Being prepared for your first date is crucial to its success. The first date should be casual, but not so laid back that it seems unplanned.
Your first date with a transgender woman should give you a chance to chat and get to know each other more. Therefore, you should choose a place with a good atmosphere that gives the two of you a chance to converse freely. If you do not have any ideas for a good first date location, continue reading the following tips to find one.
Finding a Trans Girlfriend Online
This is the simple yet rewarding location for a first date. Choosing a good bar can be a little tricky, so choosing a location with a relaxed or intimate atmosphere is best. An ideal bar for the first date should be dimly lit and relatively quiet. This works well because it creates a good ambiance and actually allows you to hear each other during conversation.
Coffee Date
Meeting for coffee is another great first date idea. If you are on a tight budget, this is ideal because coffee is relatively inexpensive. The simplicity of a coffee date is another positive attribute because, with fewer variables, your date is more likely to end successfully. Given that coffee dates are almost always in the morning or afternoon, it makes things a bit more casual and friendly than an evening date. However, if you want to increase the romance, you can choose a coffee shop with a more intimate vibe.
Dinner At A Restaurant
A dinner date is one of the best ways to add a bit of romance to your first date with a transgender woman. Although this idea sounds like a no-brainer, many people actually get it wrong because they pick the wrong venue. For example, it is highly recommended that you avoid fancy restaurants because your date might expect nothing short of five-star treatment on every date. Keep things relatively casual, to begin with, and save the fancy places for special occasions.
Amusement Park
A day at an amusement park is another perfect first date
idea. It provides you and your partner with plenty of time to talk and have
fun. When people have fun, they tend to let their guard down. As a result, you
will get to know more about your date as a person. Additionally, unlike the
other ideas, being at an amusement park offers many opportunities for physical
contact with your date.
The internet has opened up a whole new world of magical possibilities, exciting permutations and combinations! Especially when it comes to dating, the online medium is indeed a blessing. It offers you the convenience of looking for the right person at leisure, from the vantage point of your own terms and conditions. When you are looking for a trans girlfriend, the internet is your saviour, quite literally so.
Finding a trans girlfriend offline is not easy, if not altogether impossible. However, finding a trans girlfriend online is not that difficult. You just need to know the right kind of dating sites featuring the profiles of trans women and you are good to go.
It’s always best to do some research beforehand. Given the sheer number of sites for transgender dating, it might all be a bit confusing for you initially. Everything might just appear a bit too overwhelming. But if you manage to do some preliminary research with a cool head, you will certainly figure out how to go about it.
This article is going to offer you a couple of tips that would help you find a trans girlfriend online. And these tips are hopefully going to make the whole journey of finding a trans girlfriend easier and exciting!
What Kind of Trans Girlfriend You Are Looking for?
Now even if you wanted to date a cis woman, this question would certainly pop up. When you are looking to date somebody online, you need to be specific in your criteria. It is not like walking into a random bar and striking a conversation with any woman that catches your fancy!
Online dating is certainly very different from that. So, if you are looking for a trans girlfriend, the next question you go to ask yourself is, ‘what kind of a trans woman am I interested in’? Are you looking for someone very young and possibly naïve? Do you have those romantic notions of dating a very young and impressionable trans woman and sweeping her off her feet? Or do you want to date somebody older and experienced?
Do you have any particular preferences in terms of looks – height, eye colour, figure, whatever? You also need to have a certain idea about what is it you are looking for in your prospective girlfriend mentally. Would you like your trans girlfriend to be a movie buff? Would you love it if she is as passionate about music as you are? Are you looking for a girlfriend who is a book lover? Basically, you need to figure out your own interests and then decide to what degree would you want these to be reflected in your prospective partner’s personality.
Before zeroing in on prospective trans dating sites, you also need to figure out certain practical points. Are you ok with dating a trans woman who lives in a geographically distant location? Or would you rather date someone who lives locally?
Most importantly, you got to figure out what kind of relationship you are looking for. Are you only interested in exploring the option of online dating and not taking it beyond that? Or are you seriously looking at meeting your prospective trans girlfriend offline at some point in time and then take it from there?
So, you need to ask yourself all these questions before you take to a specific dating site and start checking out the profiles of various trans women.
Check the Profiles Carefully
Now some people have this habit of just literally drooling over a profile pic they like and then not check anything else on the person’s profile! Do not do that! No matter how hot and irresistible her profile pic is, just a pic is not going to seal the deal for you. Do read her profile carefully, especially her ‘criteria ‘for a partner.
Has she mentioned very specific things about the kind of partner she is looking for? Or is she open to different kinds of people? If she is open to diversity, well and good. But if she is super specific about the traits she is looking for in a partner, express interest only if you closely fulfil that criteria. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time for both of you.
Also, do check if her age in her profile pic matches the age she has mentioned in her profile. This is crucial because if there seems to be too much of a difference, then you have no way to find out what she actually looks like now until you meet her.
Do a bit of Investigation from Your Own end
Now that you have figured out the exact site for dating a trans woman and are actually chatting with your prospective trans girlfriend, it’s about time for some investigation!
Many people have the habit of exaggerating their strengths and credentials online. Some even make up stuff. That is the issue with the online medium. You can be chatting with someone day and night, get absolutely carried away. And then when you finally meet them in person, you can be super shocked as to how on earth the two seem like completely different people in terms of behaviour and credentials.
So, you have to be constantly on your guard while chatting with your prospective trans girlfriend. This obviously doesn’t mean that you go nuts and ruin any beautiful, genuine conversation between the two of you. Communicate with the other person with an open heart and conscience. However, do keep an eye out for discrepancies. If they frequently say things during your chat sessions that stand at odds with the information they have mentioned on their profile, then these are the red flags.
Also, if you find the persona they are portraying while chatting as a bit too good to be true, then also it’s reason enough to be on your guard.
It’s better to be a bit careful while chatting with someone before you make the big move of asking out your prospective trans girlfriend offline!
Focus on Genuinely Connecting with Her
You have started chatting with a trans girl on the dating site. The two of you seem to be getting along well. It’s all good. So just try to build it up organically through chatting.
Do not rush into asking her out. Focus on creating a solid rapport. Get to know her at all levels. First, try to build some sort of intimate emotional chemistry with her. And when that chemistry is good enough, the two of you will meet offline. It will be a natural progression. But don’t force it. Let it happen organically.
Listen to Her Carefully
Now, this might sound clichéd but it’s a very important step in dating that most of us ignore. When we are communicating with someone online, we get so carried away by our emotions and thinking that we hardly listen to what the other person says.
If you have to win the heart of your trans girlfriend, listen very carefully to whatever she says. As a woman, she will love it when you pay genuine attention to whatever is saying. Try to remember minute details about the conversation you had with her during your previous chat session.
Seeing that you pay such close attention to the online time spent with her will make her genuinely admire you and desire you.
Do not ask her Uncomfortable Questions About her Past or her Body
You are looking for a trans girlfriend online. You have met an interesting trans woman and the two of you have gotten chatting. But you have no right to ask her uncomfortable questions about her body or her past life. Such questions would definitely turn her off. And it would also be rude and disrespectful by any stretch of the imagination.
She is a beautiful lady who deserves your genuine attention, love and respect. She is not some fetish who is out there to satiate your curiosity on what it is like to date a trans woman. So, maintain those boundaries. Do not ask her uncomfortable questions about her past. Interact with her as you would with any cis woman.
As your relationship moves forward organically, the chances are the two of you would meet offline as well. Even then, do not intrude into her personal space. If she has to share some things with you, she will do so whenever she feels like it. But do not like a hammer it into her head all the time that you are dying to know how it is like to be a trans woman. That would be utterly disrespectful.
If you follow the right approach while communicating with that special someone - your prospective trans girlfriend on a dating site, then who knows a beautiful life-long relationship might just be round the corner.
You just have to take things slowly, organically, not intrude into your trans girlfriend’s private space and be genuinely interested in what she says and how she says it.