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Tag search results for: "transgender healthcare"
Serenity VIP

"Transgender" is an umbrella term used to capture the spectrum of gender identity and gender-expression diversity. Gender identity is the internal sense of being male, female, neither or both. Gender expression — often an extension of gender identity — involves the expression of a person's gender identity through social roles, appearance, and behaviors. Transgender people are at increased risk for certain types of chronic diseases, cancers, and mental health problems.

Many health concerns that transgender people face are due to minority stress, which is characterized by:

— Negative social attitudes and disapproval (social stigma) toward transgender people.

 — Abuse, harassment, neglect, rejection or unfair treatment (discrimination) of transgender people.

 — Internalization of social stigma, turning it into negative attitudes and thoughts toward one's self (internalized stigma). 

For example, minority stress is linked to transgender people seeking out less preventive care and screenings than that of cisgender people of similar ages, whose gender identity and expression match the gender they were assigned at birth. This might be due to a lack of gender-related insurance coverage, being refused care, difficulty finding a doctor with expertise in transgender care or fear of discrimination in a healthcare setting.

In addition, because of minority stress, transgender people are at risk of:

• Emotional and psychological abuse 

• Physical and sexual violence 

• Sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, and HIV 

• Substance misuse 

• Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts 

Transgender people may avoid medical care for fear of being rejected. Many have been turned away by health care providers or had other negative experiences. Not all providers know how to deal with specialized transgender issues. Often, transgender health services are not covered by insurance. For these reasons, transgender persons may not be able to access the care they need. Transgender should find a personal doctor who understands transgender health issues.

What you can do:

• See a doctor

If you're a transgender person, don't avoid seeing a doctor out of fear of a negative encounter. Instead, look for a doctor who is empathetic and respectful of your specific needs. By doing so, your doctor can help identify ways to reduce your risk of health concerns, as well as identify medical conditions and refer you to specialists when necessary. Once you're talking to your doctor, be honest. Share your gender identity. Tell your doctor about any medicines you take or have taken, any surgeries or procedures you've had, and any associated complications or concerns. Talk about any stress, discrimination, anxiety or depression you're experiencing and how you cope. Also, tell your doctor if you're sexually active. The more your doctor knows about your health history, the better the doctor will be able to help you. 

• Get screened

Experts recommend that you take steps to protect your health based on your anatomy, regardless of your gender identity or expression. This might include:

• Age-appropriate screening for cervical and breast cancers 

• Age-appropriate screening for prostate cancer 

• Age-appropriate screening for colon cancer 

• Age-appropriate vaccinations 

• Screening for mental health conditions 

• Screening for substance abuse 

• Screening for HIV 

• Screening for hepatitis 

• Cancer 

• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Serenity VIP

In a quest to live happier lives, and make their bodies more congruent with their gender identity; some transgender people undergo specific medical treatments. There is an overwhelming consensus in the medical community that transition-related care is medically necessary for any Trans individual. While this care is considered life-saving and even critical for many trans people, not everyone needs medical care to live their desired life. There are various medical treatments do trans people available based on individual needs, and in this blog post, we will be exploring hormone therapy.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy for Trans people causes the development of many of the secondary sexual characteristics of their desired sex. Even so, this therapy cannot reverse many of their existing primary and secondary sexual features. For instance, Hormone Therapy can induce breast growth for MTF, but can only slightly reduce breast for FTM. It can prompt facial hair growth for trans men but cannot regress facial hair for MTF, and so on. However, hormone therapy can reverse some secondary characteristics, such as the distribution of body fat, muscle, and even menstruation in trans men.

Masculinizing Treatments

For Trans men, practitioners use testosterone therapy for masculinizing treatments. Some of its effects can be increased muscle mass, hair loss, thicker vocal cords, and thicker skin. In contrast, estrogen and anti-androgen therapy are used for feminizing treatments. Estrogen alone is insufficient to suppress androgen, and this explains the call for anti-androgen medications.

In general, surgery is required to obtain satisfactory physical characteristics in most trans people. Upon cessation of hormonal treatment, those traits reverse unless chemical or surgical castration has occurred. However, in trans men, some hormonally-induced changes may become virtually irreversible within weeks. Trans women, on the other hand, usually have to take hormones for many months before they can see any irreversible change.


Different transgender people may need different types of transition-related care. For more information on other medical procedures available, see our blog on Chest Reconstruction Surgery and Face Feminization Surgery.

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