Hey I am a middle aged CD male, and my story goes as many have on this forum. I started to wear female clothing when I was around 10. I was on a trip in Wales and my cousin, who was 9 at the time, 1 year younger then me, had her knickers out of the suitcase and were sitting there. They had little blue flowers and I had the sudden urge to just put them on. I was really confused at the time when I put them on because I felt really erotic and I didnt think it was normal. I took them off right away. The next day again I had the same urge to put some pink knickers on and I did. This was the first day of my life that I had actually wore knickers for a whole day. I was scared to be caught but I never was. After that trip I wore knickers on a more regular basis, getting them from my sister for over 3 years, until I was 13.