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Serenity VIP

People are very good at reading body language. They can tell whether you are confident in yourself or if you are tense and nervous just by looking at you. Additionally, male and female body language has some distinct differences in style. As a result, it is important to know what kind of body language is attractive as an FTM transgender male. If you understand and practice attractive body language techniques, you will not only build your confidence but also enjoy an unrivaled masculine image.

Understanding what constitutes as male body language and knowing the influence it has on other people can be very advantageous, particularly when you are dealing with women. If you want a woman to find you irresistibly attractive, then you must know how to project attractive male body language. However, it is worth mentioning that body language is only part of the equation. You must also develop an attractive personality. Below are some tips that will teach you how to display an attractive male body language.

Have Good Posture

Although it may sound cliché, good posture is the first step to having attractive male body language. As an FTM trans guy, it is important to have a good body posture because it creates an aura of confidence around you. There is nothing more obviously unattractive than terrible posture. Slouching as you walk and sit will only show people that you do not have confidence. On the other hand, walking around with an elevated chest and shoulders back will certainly make you feel and look more attractive and manly.

Slow Down Your Movements

Men that display attractive body language are sure of themselves. Their body movements are often precise and calculated. As an FTM transgender male, you should also try to act like this. You should slow down your body movement, as this makes you look more confident and natural. Try to make your movements smooth and graceful. This does not mean you should walk like a tortoise. It simply means avoiding running around like a headless chicken.

Eye Contact

A key aspect of good body language for both men and women is eye contact. When conversing with other people, proper eye contact is one of the main things they will immediately notice. To be an alpha male, you need to know how to maintain proper eye contact with those you are talking with. Additionally, this will certainly get you more points when conversing with women. Looking down or averting your eyes when conversing with a lady will reveal a lack of confidence. On the other hand, never blinking or holding eye contact for too long can make your partner feel uncomfortable. You should learn the difference between staring and maintaining proper eye contact. Coupled with a smile, good eye contact will help you project attractive male body language.

Serenity VIP

Your dressing sense goes a long way towards people creating a certain image of you. It sounds clichéd but it’s true. Saying that you are essentially the clothes you wear would be probably going too far! But still, the clothes you choose to wear define your personality. As a FTM transgender guy, you can use your fashion sense to your advantage. The way you dress is very important for projecting a strong male image.

You are out there in the open now, eagerly waiting for the world to embrace your beautiful manhood. And that world, in evaluating your charisma as a man, is going to constantly check out what you are wearing.

However, the whole experience of buying men’s clothes can be intimidating for a FTM transgender guy. It’s a whole new experience for you. If you have a small body or big hips for instance, then you would think finding the right male clothes that would fit you well is even bigger a challenge.

But with a few tips and tricks, you will be ready to embrace your masculine self! And not just get by but perhaps come out with flying colours!

Buy Clothes that Fit You Well

This is the most basic and common-sensical tip for anyone. But still, people fail to follow this simple adage.

Many FTM transgender guys commit the cardinal sin of buying baggy, oversized clothing. They have the perception that bigger and looser clothes would somehow make them look bulkier and more manly. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Clothes that literally hang on your body just make you look boring and old.

So, it is important to buy clothes that fit you well. Not too tight but not overtly loose and baggy either. It has to complement your body.

This becomes even more important while you are shopping for jeans or trousers. Jeans too tight on the waist would look awkward and would also make you immensely uncomfortable while you are sitting down or simply moving around. Jeans too loose would also be totally unflattering to your body.

Well fitted clothes give the impression of a confident personality. As a FTM transgender guy, it is super important to appear confident and articulate. On the contrary, ill-fitting, baggy clothes give the impression of someone who doesn’t take care of themselves.

Remember that as a FTM transgender guy, perception goes a long way towards people accepting you in your manly image. And well-fitted clothes help create that perception.

Do not be Conscious about Your Size

Do not stress over your body supposedly not fitting a generic male body parameter. Rather, dress according to your body type and you are bound to look good.

If you have a somewhat smaller body, do not get conscious of it. Just look for clothes in the boy’s section. Well-fitted clothes give the impression of a fit, toned body, irrespective of one’s body size. So, if you are very small size, do not get obsessed with getting bigger. Just find the right clothes that complement your body type.

If a FTM transgender guy has bigger hips that can also become a cause of concern while shopping for male apparel. Men’s trousers usually don’t have room for big hips. But it’s not impossible to find one that would sit well on your hips. So, no matter what, do not get conscious about your size. Always buy clothes that fit you well, even if that involves putting in a bit of extra hard work!

Just remember that if you buy trousers with the right cut, you can minimize the appearance of a heavy waist. Taper cut pants are also a suitable option for a FTM transgender guy with larger thighs.

Yet another trick is to move a size or two up with the waist but opt for a trend like skinny fit. This would make the trousers sit beautifully on your legs while hiding your waist.

So, whether you are a small guy or unusually big by general standards, do not get nervous and do not lose confidence. There are all sorts of sizes available these days. As long as you don’t get obsessed with the idea of forcefully trying to change your size or body type, you will be fine.

Your Clothes Should be Your Personal Statement

Now, everyone is unique. And that is precisely why no two people look the same, even if they have put on similar-looking clothes! As a FTM transgender guy, do not feel compelled to copy the fashion choices of cis guys or anyone else, for that matter. Create your own fashion statement.

Have fun with what you wear. If you like colours bring on the blues, reds, pinks, whatever! If you are enamoured by anime, video games, let your t-shirts showcase that side of yours. You don’t have to resign yourself to wearing boring whites and greys just because you want to project a certain male image.

As a FTM transgender guy, you are certainly projecting a male image. But one that’s uniquely you. And the man who is not afraid of being himself takes up his sexiness quotient by a few notches!

So just remember that your sartorial choices should be an extension of your personality.

Use Clothes with Patterns to Your Advantage

Now, this is a practical necessity.  As a FTM transgender guy, it is important to hide or camouflage any bumps on your chest. So, you have to super careful while wearing t-shirts with patterns or stripes.

A golden rule to follow in this case is: the more random or asymmetrical the pattern is, the better it is. A random or asymmetrical pattern with help you camouflage the bumps in your chest area better. When the pattern is not symmetrical, the human eye gets somewhat confused. Such a pattern would then not draw overt, exclusive attention to your chest area.

So, buying clothes with patterns is great. But you have to be careful as to what kind of patterns are these and if you can use the design to camouflage any bulge on your chest.

Check Out What FTM Trans Icons are Wearing

Now, this is an exercise that can be both fun and inspiring! You can check out the profiles of FTM trans icons on social media sites like Instagram and check out what they wear, how they carry themselves.

As a FTM transgender guy, following a celebrity who has probably had the same share of struggles as you can be a major confidence booster. There are times when we need role models to fall back on not because we are not sure of ourselves but simply because we perhaps need a new perspective to look at our own self.



Serenity VIP

Gender transitioning in a transgender person is a complex process. There are two main components at work here, social transitioning and medical transitioning. Social transitioning involves coming out as a transgender in front of society. It means asserting one’s new gender identity. So, someone who was born a male biologically will assert their gender identity as a trans woman and vice versa. Social transitioning often begins before medical transitioning. In fact, some transgender folks prefer to live out the life of their new gender identity without making any physiological changes. Instead, they adapt to their new gender by dressing up, voice projection and by trying to adopt the mannerisms and behaviour of the gender they feel they belong to.

But a vast majority of transgender people undergo some sort of medical transitioning. For a trans person who was assigned female gender at the time of birth but feel that they are male, medical transitioning can go a long way towards helping them balance their life and relationships. Having a body that stands at odds with the gender he strongly identifies with can be a source of acute distress to a trans man. This can induce feelings of gender dysphoria; a state where a transgender person’s biological gender becomes a source of agony to them and they even strongly desire a change in the sexual and bodily manifestation of that gender.

Medical transitioning can indeed offer a new lease of life to a trans man undergoing gender dysphoria. It can also do wonders for his love life and relationships. If he wants to date somebody through a transgender dating site or a transsexual dating app, he no longer has to worry about her biological characteristics standing at odds with his new gender identity.

Whether you are a cis woman wanting to date a trans guy through a trans dating site or a layperson curious to know more about transgender people, it is important for you to understand the basics of female to male gender transition. Once you understand the kind of transformation a trans man goes through in order to embrace the male gender biologically and socially, you’d be able to appreciate and understand him in a much better way.

This article lists out the most important components of female to male gender transition.

Gender Reassignment Surgery begins with Hormone Therapy

There are different kinds of procedures and treatments involved in gender transitioning from female to male. Gender Reassignment Surgery is the blanket term used for all such treatments.

In female to male gender transition, medical transitioning usually begins with hormone therapy. During this therapy, the transgender person is giving the male hormone testosterone. Hormone therapy is used to induce physical changes in your body so, in the case of a female transitioning to a male, it will induce the biological characteristics of the male gender in their body over a period of time.

Once you are administered hormone therapy, you start noticing increased body hair growth as well as facial hair growth. You might also notice the loss of hair on the temples. Receiving the male hormone testosterone can also deepen your voice, giving it a more masculine texture. However, if you are into singing, your voice might start cracking for a while and you might lose your singing range while you are transitioning. Male hormone therapy can also thicken your skin, thus making you more tolerant of cold.

Testosterone would also stop your menstrual cycle. This would generally happen within three months of receiving your dose. It will also increase your sex drive as well as appetite. Experts say that if hormone therapy for female to male transition begins before the changes of female puberty start, then female biological characteristics like the development of breasts can be avoided altogether.

Mastectomy or Top Surgery

Mastectomy or top surgery is the most common surgical procedure for trans people undergoing female to male transition. In this procedure, unwanted breast tissue is removed in order to flatten out the chest and give it a more masculine appearance. Depending upon your body structure and specific needs, the surgeon can utilize a number of techniques to achieve the desired results.

Many trans people undergoing female to male transitioning opt for Mastectomy as the only surgical procedure. The reason for that is that it is a very safe procedure and one that can be performed by a relatively large number of surgeons.

Facial & Body Masculinization Surgery

Now, this is an optional procedure. Trans men who desire a close to perfect and well-chiselled masculine face can opt for Facial Masculinization Surgery. This surgery utilizes a range of techniques and procedures in order to give the face a more masculine contour. A combination of techniques like cheek augmentation, rhinoplasty, forehead lengthening, jaw contouring, etc., can be utilized, depending upon your specific needs.

Body masculinization surgery can be used by those who are looking for the perfect male physique. This surgery utilizes a broad range of techniques to target fat deposits in those specific areas where the female body usually accumulates fat like thighs, breasts, buttocks, etc. The liposuction technique is then utilized to transform your feminine hourglass figure into a masculine body type. The sought-after masculine body type involves broad shoulders, a super flat stomach and little or no fat in the lower part of the body. The surgery tries to replicate this kind of body structure for you.

Facial and body masculinization surgery can be great for trans men who are looking at dating someone through a transsexual dating site or a transgender dating app. Looking like the perfect guy you dreamed you always were can do miracles to your self-confidence. However, it is important to maintain this great body through proper diet, exercise, adequate water intake and ample rest.

Bottom Surgery

Bottom surgery is the final step in your transitioning process from female to male. Also known as Gender Confirmation Surgery, this type of surgery involves the construction of a penis through the procedure of phalloplasty or metoidioplasty. Before undergoing this procedure, a trans person might wish to undergo a hysterectomy. In partial hysterectomy, the uterus of the person concerned is removed. They can also opt for additional and more complex procedures in which fallopian tubes and ovaries can also be removed.

Bottom surgery is quite complicated and it is only a very experienced surgeon who can perform this type of surgery. Not all trans men undergo bottom surgery. It is also a very expensive procedure. The concerned person undergoes detailed counselling before they decide to opt for bottom surgery.

Medical Transitioning is just a part of Transitioning

This is the most important point to understand. When we talk about a trans person transitioning from female to male, medical transitioning is just a part of it. Transitioning is a complex procedure that involves social transitioning. Even before undergoing any medical procedure, a trans man begins to come out in the open by dressing up as a guy, by creating a bulge in the genital area by using a rolled-up sock or through various prosthetic devices and by wearing clothing that camouflages the bulge in the chest area.

A trans man closely observes the body language and mannerisms of other men around him and then tries to adapt accordingly. He regularly checks out the latest trends in male fashion and then picks up male apparel that is suitable for his body type. He also joins a trans dating site or a transsexual dating app to look for a prospective partner. In fact, he is always on the lookout for the best transgender dating sites. A trans man also goes through a transgender blog and becomes part of a transgender forum where he gets to learn from the transitioning experiences of other trans guys.

Medical transitioning is just a part of the entire transitioning process. What matters most is the confidence with which transgender guy can embrace the male world.

It’s all about Striking a Balance

Balance is the underlying principle of life. It’s the same with female to male transitioning. A FTM trans guy needs to find the right balance. Some trans men try to overdo the masculine guy part. They go all over-aggressive, domineering and try to feign insensitivity just to show how tough they are. That’s just not needed. Being a man doesn’t mean that you have to feign some kind of toxic masculinity. Just like everything, hyper-masculinity has some negative traits which need to be avoided.

A real man is all about empathy, kindness and magnanimity of heart and spirit. He is a tough guy on the exterior but his heart is soft and vulnerable. He can do anything to take care of his lady love and also has compassion for human beings in general. This is the kind of guy a trans man should want to post transitioning. And this is the type of guy any woman would fall for once she meets him through a transgender dating site or a transsexual dating site.

During transitioning and after it, a FTM trans guy has to find his unique sweet spot and project a masculine image accordingly while he is dating someone through a trans dating app or a transsexual dating site.



Serenity VIP

If you are a FTM transgender guy looking for love, you got to check out a trans dating site or a transgender dating site. Once you’ve figured out which transsexual dating site serves the best purpose for you, the next step is to then get registered on that site and start communicating with potential love interests. As a trans guy, you are also vulnerable to threats and abuse online. In order to address this issue and have a secure internet network, you must consider looking for the best VPN service around. A Virtual Private Network service can ensure a fully private connection.

Being a FTM transgender guy is not that easy. Transitioning is such a challenging process and it saps so much of your physical and mental energy. While you are transitioning and even after that, your mind is preoccupied with the procedure. It’s like you whole word has turned down upside down. You are excited, confused, exhilarated, euphoric, scared, everything in one go. It is natural that when your mind is a site of such conflicting emotions, it is difficult to give your 100 percent to dating and relationships. But that aspect of your life is also important. Everybody needs a partner for their physical, mental and emotional fulfilment.

As a FTM transgender guy, it is important to keep certain things in mind before you start dating someone. Whether you’ve met them through a trans dating app or a trans dating app, it’s important to make sure that your concerns about your own life trajectory do not interfere with the course of your dating and relationship.

Here are a few tips that will help you navigate the complex waters of dating and a relationship as a FTM transgender guy.

Do Not Let Your Transitioning Process Overtake the Relationship

For a FTM transgender guy, transitioning is mentally and physically demanding. It can be very intense and can leave him with little or no energy to concentrate on anything else. But he has to be really tough and tell himself that his relationship is also a priority and he will give full attention to it even during transition.

A FTM transgender guy is very lucky if their partner is compassionate and understanding. But one cannot take undue advantage of that understanding. You have to realize that it cannot be always about you and your issues. A relationship works well only when it is about both individuals. Even during transitioning, spend quality time with your partner. Pay attention to their life, goals and achievements. All your conversations cannot be centred around the issue of your transitioning and identity. If that is your only topic of conversation, your partner will feel neglected at some point in time. And the whole relationship would become a drag and a burden.

So, create some boundaries and respect those. Maybe your partner had a super exhausting day at work. Maybe, they just need to relax a little and hear some kind and loving words from you. So be considerate of their needs and behave accordingly. Converse on some lighter topics to lift up their spirits. Just watch a movie together or listen to some music. Your partner has invested a lot in this relationship and they are as concerned about your transitioning as you are. But you have to remember that their needs and desires are also important.

So as a FTM transgender guy, just try to create that fine balance. Don’t get over obsessed with your transitioning woes. Have empathy and understanding for your partner, just like they care for you and your life.

Avoid Over the Top Masculine Behaviour

Some FTM transgender guys get really conscious about their masculinity. They want to fit as well as they can into the societal normative framework of masculinity and in order to do so, they often resort to stereotypical masculine behaviour. Resist the urge to do so.

Exhibiting over the top masculine behaviour like shouting at your partner or trying to dictate terms to them or refusing to do households chores can actually backfire and eventually ruin your relationship. Masculinity is attractive only as long as it is balanced and rooted in rationality. In this modern-day and age, nobody wants to be with a guy who is over-aggressive, ruthless and gets into a temper every now and then.

When you are in a relationship, it is equally important to lay bare your vulnerabilities. The tough guy act doesn’t always work. If you are overwhelmed, it’s alright to cry in front of your partner. If you have said something wrong to them or done something wrong, it’s alright to apologize. All these things will not make you any less of a man. On the contrary, your partner will respect and love you even more for being the kind and compassionate guy they always dreamt of.

Times are changing fast and so is the definition of a real man. A real man of the 21st century is gentle, kind, considerate and is not afraid to show his vulnerable side. He is as tough a soldier when it comes to protecting his partner or lover and taking care of them. But in his day-to-day demeanour, he is gentle and loving, not imposing. Once a FTM transgender guy understands all this, he will realize there is no need to resort to over-the-top masculine behaviour.

Join a Transgender Forum

A transgender forum is a valuable resource dedicated to the trans community. It has a lot of information and views on typical issues faced by transsexual people across the world. So, a transgender guy just about to start his dating life should definitely consider joining a transgender forum.

A transgender forum can also connect him with other members of the trans community. As a FTM transgender guy, you can always learn from their experiences. You can also read some specific articles on transgender dating written by experts. Alternatively, you could also go through a transgender blog that will again offer you valuable insights into the world of trans dating.

Before you join a transsexual dating site or a transgender dating app, it’s better to be equipped with some basic knowledge of how you should go about communicating with a potential love interest. The internet these days has a plethora of valuable resources that can be of valuable help to a FTM transgender guy looking for a potential date.

Communicate Your Concerns

Whether you’ve started seeing someone through a transgender dating app or a trans dating site, it is obvious that as a FTM transgender guy, you have some concerns. Feel free to share those concerns with your partner.

You have some emotional concerns with regard to how your partner perceives you, how they view your transitioning and if they judge you for being a FTM transgender guy. You might even feel awkward about sharing such concerns with your partner. But it’s absolutely fine. When you are in a relationship with someone, you have the full right to know if they are comfortable with your individuality and identity.

Unfortunately, society doesn’t judge transgender people very kindly. So, it is obvious that as a FTM transgender guy, you have some apprehensions about whether your partner is really comfortable with your identity. Just talk it out. Talking about these things will make your relationship even stronger. Or in the worst-case scenario, you will realize that you are not with the right person before you go too deep into the relationship. Both ways, you will benefit.

It is also important for a FTM transgender guy to communicate his sexual concerns to his partner before they decide to take the relationship to the next level. Tell your partner candidly about things that you are comfortable about and those that you are not so comfortable about in a physical relationship. If there are certain body parts you don’t like being touched, just tell them categorically.

Whether you’ve met someone through a transsexual dating app or a transgender dating site, it’s important to have an honest conversation with your partner before the two of you decide to go physical.

If It Doesn’t Work, Just Walk Away

Not all relationships are meant to work. Let’s accept it. Finding love often involves a series of hits and trials. So as a FTM transgender guy, if you’ve tried your best to make the relationship work but it still isn’t, then it’s perhaps better to quit.

Quitting can be very painful, especially if you have so many fond memories with the person concerned. But when a relationship turns toxic and abusive, there is no other way out. Some relationships start out very well but turn toxic down the road. There are others where you get warning signs from early on that this is not going to work for you. Whatever be the scenario, it’s better to just leave when you realize that a relationship is becoming a source of agony and pain for you.

At the end of the day, your peace of mind and mental health is most important. While a good relationship can do wonders for your emotional and mental health, a bad one can ruin you mentally. As a FTM transgender guy, you already have a lot to cope with. Maybe, you are still trying to sort things out with your family. Not all your friends have accepted your new identity yet. So in between all this mess, you really don’t want to suffer a toxic and abusive relationship. And you don’t deserve that either.



Serenity VIP

Facial hair is considered an attractive part of masculinity. The stereotype of the super ripped and rugged hyper-masculine guy with that formidable beard is like the main stuff of masculine folklore. But times are changing and the metrosexual guy with just a bit of stubble or even no facial hair is making his presence felt. Many trans guys still seem to be stuck in the age-old complex though that it’s mandatory to sport facial hair in order to look like a guy.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. How many cis guys you have seen who have facial hair? Not all of them obviously. There is a certain percentage of cis guys who have prominent facial hair while others might have little or none. While growing facial hair will certainly complement your appearance, it shouldn’t be like a do or die situation.

Because of the enormous pressure that trans men face in order to grow facial hair, a number of myths have sprung up regarding this. When you are desperate for something, you become vulnerable and then you are prone to trying out anything that promises you the thing you are after.

This article sets out to debunk certain myths about how to grow facial hair in transgender men.  Let’s take a look at these myths one by one.



Myth – Certain Facial Products Can Help You Grow a Beard

Reality Check

There are many claims circulating around those facial products like Minoxidil can help a FTM transgender guy grow a beard. In fact, these claims propagate those particular facial products can actually play an important role in the growth of facial hair. The reality is there is absolutely no scientific basis to these claims. There is no evidence to support these claims. As a matter of fact, facial hair growth is largely determined by genetics. Look into your family history and see if your father or uncles sport a beard. It is largely your genes that determine the extent of your facial hair growth.

As a FTM trans guy, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of such a myth because you are obsessed with the idea of growing a beard. It’s obvious that you are willing to try out anything that promises you one.

But you need to use a little bit of rationality and common sense and realize that a beard will not grow overnight by some magic wand of a product. Just trust your doctor. If you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy and your genes support the growth of facial hair, you will definitely see results soon. Just have patience. Growing a beard takes time.

You have to be prepared for the scenario that you might not develop any facial hair at all. Don’t let this impact your self-esteem. There are so many other markers of manliness. As a result of medical transitioning and hormone therapy, your face is looking more masculine, you are developing muscles and you are confidently embracing men’s clothing. Celebrate all these wonderful things about your masculine identity rather than fretting about something that’s not in your control.



Myth – Taking Testosterone Promotes Facial Hair Growth

Reality Check

Reality check – Now, this is a very dangerous myth. It can actually have hazardous consequences on your health. The male hormone testosterone should be only taken in quantities prescribed by the doctor. If you overdose yourself with this hormone, it might have serious complications for your health. Testosterone by itself does not promote hair growth. Do not fall into the trap of making this simplistic cause and effect analysis that since it’s the most important male hormone, taking more of it would help you develop typical make characteristics like facial hair. If that were the case, all cis guys naturally having a high level of testosterone would be walking around with long beards!

The testosterone dosage that you are given during the Hormone Replacement Therapy, that itself will sufficiently aid the development of facial hair if your genetics support it. If you are unable to grow a beard, that’s alright too. Don’t risk your health and well-being for something that’s clearly beyond your control.

More importantly, don’t let superficial characteristics of masculinity determine your self-worth. Your identity is a lot more than a beard or facial hair. It’s more important that you feel like a man. Start dating someone through a trans dating site. Being with a woman who admires you and finds you attractive would make you feel way manlier than any amount of facial hair could ever do.

If you are still unhappy about not being able to grow a beard, check out trans male icons on the internet. You could check out their profiles on social media sites like Instagram. By taking a look at their personalities and style statement, your own sense of self-worth as a FTM transgender guy will increase manifold. And you will also notice that not all of them sport beards and yet, they are some of the hottest and most sought-after men around!



Myth – Shaving Promotes Beard Growth

Reality Check

This is yet another myth doing the rounds. Many FTM trans guys seem to think that shaving more and more would make their facial hair grow faster and thicker. Nothing can be farther from the truth. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the claim that shaving promotes beard growth. On the contrary, it will just ruin whatever little growth you have. So, if you are growing a beard at a super slow pace, just be patient and you will see some results sooner or later. Do not rush into shaving.

This point cannot be reiterated more that do not make facial hair growth an ego issue. It is not the ultimate sign of your masculinity. Embrace other manifestations of your masculinity like dressing, grooming, dating, relationships, etc. Check out specific avenues for trans men dating. Do not let something as arbitrary as the absence or presence of facial hair define your masculinity.

If you are unable to grow a beard and are totally freaked out and traumatized, consider joining a transgender forum. Talk to other FTM transgender guys out there. Mutual sharing of experiences would help you understand that it’s not a big deal to be not able to grow facial hair.

If nothing works out and not being able to grow facial hair is making you feel depressed and miserable, you could consider getting a facial hair transplant. Many medical establishments offer this surgery and it is getting increasingly popular. Although, it is strongly advised that a FTM transgender guy waits for at least a year after the initiation of hormone therapy if they are considering a facial hair implant. This would enable the surgeons to give you a more targeted treatment and concentrate on regions in your face that are in maximum need of facial hair.

Although before taking any decision, you must do ample research from your end regarding the details of this surgery or if there are any possible complications or side effects. Only after you’ve undertaken a comprehensive and impartial assessment from your side, should you reach a final decision. Take your doctor into confidence as well; the one who is giving you hormone therapy. To be honest, they are the best person to advise on this matter that you need a facial hair transplant or not.

Beard Transplantation is also a popular technique within plastic surgery. Many cis men who are unable to grow a beard because of their genetic characteristics but desire one also opt for this procedure. Although the disclaimer for all these procedures is that you need to ideally have sufficient healthy hair on your scalp because that’s from where the hair is taken.

If you are a FTM transgender guy wanting to grow a beard and your genes do not favour it, you could consider these cosmetic surgery procedures. But you have to be very careful and make sure that such a treatment does not interfere with any other procedures you are undergoing, as part of medical transitioning. Give it some time. Do not take a decision in a jiffy.

Try and focus on other aspects of your masculinity. Exercise, eat well, maintain good personal hygiene and just generally be well-groomed. This routine, along with the hormone replacement therapy should work well for your masculine appearance. Some people even choose to undergo facial masculinization surgery in order to make their faces more masculine and chiselled. If you still think that beard is an inseparable part of your masculine identity, consider a facial hair transplant. But weigh the pros and cons well before deciding to undergo the procedure. Also, make sure you are getting it done from a reputed place where the surgeon has expertise in this particular surgery. Always check out the reviews of a medical establishment before you choose it for treatment. Try finding out if there is anyone from your own circle of friends and acquaintances who have opted for a beard surgery. Ask for their feedback and review. 


Serenity VIP

Buck Angel is an icon of the transgender community. He born June 5, 1972, San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California and named Susan. Angle is an adult film producer, motivational speaker and founder of Buck Angel Entertainment. A transgender man, he received the AVN Award as the Transsexual performer in 2017. Buck Angel had not had any genital surgery and still had a vulva.

A short time later, Angel started concentrating on his physical appearance and scanned for a specialist that managed abdominal area adjustments, to expel his bosoms. Bottom surgery was another perspective he was hoping to change since he needed to acquire a natural penis to fit the male pattern. In any case, he immediately understood that there was not adequate innovation to make what he wanted. Blessed messenger bit by bit presumed that he didn't require a penis since it isn't what characterized him as a man. He figured out how to cherish his body, and he came to be happy with what he was given. Presently—following his new philosophy of the male body—he started a fiery regimen that comprised of five-days seven days exercises and of for the most part practicing good eating habits.

Serenity VIP

First dates are always special. There is this element of surprise; you get butterflies in your stomach just imagining how it would be. You can literally close your eyes and imagine a fairy-tale unfolding. Such is the innocent excitement and idealism of a first date.

As a transgender man, it’s a beautiful feeling when you ask out the girl of your dreams and she says yes. No wonder you are on cloud nine. But there is a lot more groundwork to be done yet! How you plan out your first date is what matters most. As the adage goes, first impressions are the last impressions. So, you should leave no stone unturned in making your first date unique and special.

If she has a good time during the first date, she would certainly want to go out on a second date with you. It’s as simple as that. But for that magic to happen, you have to invest some time, energy and creativity in planning out the date.

Below are some tips that would help you plan out an awesome first date for the girl who makes you go weak in the knees!


Be Creative in Planning Out the Date

This is most important. You can’t just take her out anywhere. A trans man taking out his crush on a date for the first time needs to invest some thinking into where he can take her. Everyone goes out on dates to fancy and expensive restaurants and cafes. There is nothing new about that. If you want to impress your girl, plan out something that is new, exciting and matches her hobbies.

If she is a dancing queen, get to know what kind of music she likes dancing to and take her someplace they are playing a live band along those lines. If your date is into books and reading, try to search for a café that also has a library or a bookshop attached to it. And take her out for a daytime date to that place. If you know for sure she is the clubbing rockstar, take her out to the best club in town. Or else maybe, she is too much of a nature lover. In that case, take her out to a garden café, a restaurant that has a terrace with a stunning outdoor view or take her out to a quaint, little pub in the mountains where the two of you can take a refreshing walk after the meal.

If you are creative in planning out your first date, she is going to love it. Women appreciate these little surprises. Your date would certainly notice that you put in so much effort in planning out that date and figuring out her likes and preferences. If you ask her out for a second date, she is probably going to say yes!


Be a Good Planner!

This is very important. Now that you have figured out where to take her, the next step is to plan out everything really well. We might have the best of ideas but unless we execute them, it’s no use. As a transgender man, you got to make sure that you’ve got everything figured out well in advance, the venue, how to get there, the amount of time it would take in getting from one place to another if you have 2,3 places on your itinerary.

When you finally go out on a date with that gorgeous woman you met through a transgender dating site, you don’t want to be embarrassing yourself with last-minute glitches. The whole thing should be effortless and smooth. Everything has to be so perfect that she completely forgets about the practical aspects of that date. And those practical things need to be taken care of by you.


Be a Gentleman When it Comes to Expenses

As a trans man, it is important that you bear the expenses of the first date yourself. On subsequent dates, the two of you could split the bills or work out a mutual arrangement, if the need be. But as a gentleman, you shouldn’t let your lady spend any money on the first date.

Even if she insists, just explain to her gently that you asked her out and therefore, you are going to take care of all her expenses. It’s not about money but it is certainly about gentlemanly behaviour and these little courtesies that women appreciate.

Money is not a big deal but if you take care of all her expenses on the first date, it shows that you value the lady.


Be at Your Best Behaviour

Good manners cannot be faked. But when you are with a lady you fancy, you obviously make an effort to be at your best behaviour. As a trans man going out on a first date with someone, you ought to remember that your prospective lady love would be closely observing your behaviour during the date.

Make an effort to pay attention to whatever she is saying. Be courteous and polite. Also, be a bit restrained when it comes to flirtation. While she won’t mind subtle and tasteful flirtation, anything over the top might make her feel you are too desperate or creepy. So, keep it cool and balanced.

Your body language plays an important role in how others perceive you. Be confident and relaxed. Avoid fidgeting too much. Also, look directly into the eyes of the lady when you are speaking. When you have the courage to look into someone’s eyes while you are talking, it shows your intentions are good and honest. On the contrary, if you cannot look directly into a person’s eyes, that gives the impression of a somewhat shady character. Just remember that in trans girl dating, it's these little perceptions that matter. Also, when it’s a date, it’s also romantic to look into the eyes of the woman of your dreams. Maybe, you two get a bit carried away and keep looking into one another’s eyes all evening.

Finally, good behaviour is not just about how you behave with her. It’s also about how you behave with others around you. The way you speak to the staff at your date venue tells a lot about your character. If you are arrogant and impolite with them, she would obviously judge you. So, keep that in mind.


The Good Old Candlelight Dinner Never Goes Out of Fashion!

Women are creatures of romance. They love a fairy-tale setting when it comes to spending time with someone special. There is something eternal and otherworldly about the idea of love so it is a somewhat fantastic, magical setting that can indeed do wonders for your first date.

If you cannot figure out anything else for your first date, take her out for a candlelight dinner! That’s one clichéd idea that always works. Dim lights, beautiful and laid-back music, some champagne, chocolates and flowers, this is the stuff of every girl’s dream. It is the deepest desire of every woman to be treated like a princess. A woman is capable of such dreamlike delicacy and love but first, she wants you to prove that you are worthy of it.

So, take her to a nice restaurant and surprise her with a candlelight dinner. Surprises are always good. Maybe, do not inform her in advance that it will be a candlelight dinner. She would be even more impressed if you pre-order a cake with her name on it or maybe a nice, little quote about how you like her. And then make your princess cut the cake, while the two of you are out on the candlelight dinner date. Your lady would absolutely love this. Also, make it a point to give her some gift when you meet her. It could be flowers, perfume, anything. The cost of the gift doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s the feelings that are important.


Take Special Care of Her Safety

This is most important. You have to take special care of the safety of your woman during and after the date. If you are in a crowded place and some guy is making her, feel uncomfortable, you should be able to stand up for her. While she obviously doesn’t expect you to pick up a fight, she does expect you to tell off that guy politely but firmly.

Women these days are independent and capable of protecting themselves for sure. It is certainly not about patronizing her. But as a trans man, standing up for your woman shows that you care for her. A woman wants to be with someone who can take control of things when they get messy. Imagine being at a restaurant and your woman feeling uncomfortable due to something and you just sitting in a corner, watching quietly. What kind of impression it would create? She would probably never see you for a second date.

Taking care of your date’s safety also involves making sure she gets back home safely. We still live in a patriarchal society, unfortunately so women’s safety is a concern, especially during late night. If she is uncomfortable about the idea of you dropping her home, book her a cab but keep a tab of her journey. Talk to her over the phone till she gets back home safely.

You might impress a woman with flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinner but when she gets to know that you genuinely care about her wellbeing, that’s when her heart starts melting.

Serenity VIP

As a trans guy, you might feel that grooming is an overrated concept. In fact, it’s easy to be besotted and charmed by the idea of the rugged, hyper-masculine, beast-like male! While it’s all good to be rugged and masculine, personal grooming is a must. You don’t want to look like you just came out of a forest where you were living like for the past 100 years.

Though of course, in male grooming, minimalism is the key. But basic grooming is essential. When you come out in the open and start meeting people, it’s important to be presentable and well turned out. When you start dating someone, they are going to obviously judge you by your physical appearance. No matter how good-looking you are, if you have mouth odour or your socks are stinking, your date is certainly not going to be impressed.

Below are listed some personal grooming tips which every transgender man ought to follow.

Shower Every Day

To some people, this might seem like the most obvious thing to do. But there are others who have a habit of skipping shower every now and then. Especially if one lives in cold climatic conditions, they think they can get away with it. As a trans man, it is absolutely important to clean yourself every day. This is the basic etiquette of personal hygiene. An early morning shower is even better. It makes you look forward to the entire day. You feel fresh and rejuvenated and ready to face the world.

Then, showering regularly cleans all the dirt and impurities and also improves your skin. A lot of skin problems are simply an offshoot of bad personal hygiene. If you wash yourself thoroughly and regularly, the skin too is going to behave well.

And remember showering is not just about literally standing under a shower for 2 minutes and then running off! You need to invest time in cleaning your body and face properly. Always clean your feet using a pumice stone. Use a loofah for cleaning the body and pay special attention to private parts. One often neglects these while showering and this could lead to unwanted infections.

Choose a good quality body wash or a soap to motivate yourself to shower every day! There is such an awesome line up of personal grooming products both online and offline. You could even go for organic handmade soaps. These would ensure that you smell delicious after the shower.



Regular Shaving and Trimming is a Must

A clean-shaven look works very well for a trans man. But if you are after the rugged masculine bearded look, that’s cool too. But even then, make it a point to trim your beard and mustache regularly.

Pay extra attention to the hair inside your nostrils. It’s a common tendency to overlook this area. But when you are talking to someone face to face, it’s easy for them to spot that kind of thing. So if you want to save yourself from a potentially embarrassing situation, keep a tab on the hair overgrowth inside your nostrils. Trim these regularly.

Make it a point to trim your nails regularly. This includes nails of both hands and feet. Long nails would just attract dirt, gives your hands and feet an unsavory appearance unless of course, you apply nail polish and maintain them really well. But it’s best to just trim your nails and go for a basic, clean look.

You also got to pay attention to the eyebrows. Eyebrows define the entire face and give it a certain look. While as a guy, you certainly don’t need to get your eyebrows shaped at a parlour, it’s still a good idea to trim them regularly at home using tweezers if you have too much of growth. Also, white hairs peeping out of your otherwise perfect and luscious dark eyebrows can be a very embarrassing sight. So trim those regularly.

Good Dental Hygiene is a Must

You met a gorgeous woman through a transsexual dating app and the two of you are out on your first date. Things are going really good and there comes a moment when the two of you might just get to a sweet kiss. But then all of a sudden, she gives you an awkward expression and distances herself a bit. You wonder what happened? Well, in all probability, it could be your bad breath.

Bad breath is an embarrassment that many guys deal with. And it all boils down to dental hygiene. Make it a point to brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and another time before you go to bed. Tongue scraping is also very important. Before brushing the teeth, make it a point to use a tongue scraper to clean the tongue thoroughly. Bad breath occurs mostly because of the particles stuck on the surface of the tongue. Only brushing your teeth won’t solve the problem. Regular tongue cleaning is essential.

Flossing at least once a day is a very good practice. Any good quality mouthwash would suffice. Yet another trick for maintaining excellent dental hygiene is a practice called oil pulling. The practice basically involves taking a spoonful of edible oil like coconut or olive oil and then swish it around in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. When you begin to feel tired, just spit it out. This is an excellent practice that not only keeps bad breath at bay but also whitens teeth.

Pay Special Attention to Your Clothing

Clothing is the most important part of your physical appearance. Always dress in clothes that suit your body type and personality. A good rule of thumb is to go for clothes that fit just right – neither too tight nor too baggy. Also, dress according to the occasion. When you are going for an interview, avoid wearing flamboyant or colourful clothes. Stick to a proper suit or a pair of trousers in sober colours coupled with a collared shirt. Make sure you iron your clothes well! For casual wear, you can still get away but formal clothes look well shabby if not ironed.

Keep a tab on what other trans men are wearing. Check out a transgender blog and get to know about the latest trends in trans male fashion. Make it a habit to regularly subscribe to fashion magazines and keep a track of all the latest trends in male clothing. It’s about mix and match. Learn all about the latest fashion, observe all trends and then create your unique personal style statement.

Invest in Good Skincare Products

Good skincare products are a must for personal grooming. And contrary to the popular perception, these are meant not just for women. A trans man needs to invest in good skincare products for optimum personal grooming. To begin with, a good face wash is a must. He needs to wash his face twice a day with a good quality face wash. This keep oiliness at bay and the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated at all times.

Then, a great moisturizer and sunscreen is a must-have. Post shower; start your morning routine by applying a moisturizer, followed by sunscreen. Many brands have sunscreens which also double up as moisturizers. So that is an alternative as well. Then you don’t need to go for two separate products.

You might dismiss these things as girly and feminine but these are the bare minimum basics of personal grooming. With time, the definition of masculinity has also undergone a sea change. Men are getting increasingly conscious of their looks and appearance. They are not longer embarrassed to apply creams and lotions and go for facials and pedicures. Many even go for waxing. As a trans man, how far you want to go with personal grooming is totally your call. But following a bare minimum routine is essential.

Select a Great Perfume or Cologne to Impress Her

In transsexual dating, grooming matters a lot. When you meet a beautiful woman on date, she expects you to look nice and smell nice. So it is important that you choose your perfume or cologne with great care. Just don’t pick up any expensive fragrance from the market. Try out different ones and then choose the one that complements your personality.

Also, make sure that the fragrance you choose is not too overpowering. A subtle fragrance with just the right balance of aroma will do the trick. You don’t want to smell like you just walked out of a store selling incense sticks or something.

Pay Attention to Your Shoes

Shoes are a much-neglected part of our overall appearance. We go to great lengths to select our dress for a particular occasion. The hairstyle, the watch, everything is just spot on. But often, shoes are the last thing people think about. And the funny thing is it is actually the first thing people notice about you when they see you.

As a trans man, always pay attention to the kind of shoes you are wearing and whether they go with your clothes. You should always invest in shoes that are stylish, yet uncomfortable. Shoes that are uncomfortable will hurt your feet and your walk will be awkward as well. Go for comfy shoes so that you can pull off that smooth swag.

Serenity VIP

The life of an FTM Transgender Men can be very difficult, especially if they don’t pass as male. If you don’t pass as a male, going out in public can be overwhelmingly challenging and intimidating. When someone who is trying to be polite refers to you as “ma’am,” it can be detrimental to your efforts to embrace your masculinity. Below are some tips to help you pass as male in public. While these tips may not fix everything, they will at least decrease the chances of being referred to as “ma’am.”

Wear Clothes Made for Men

One of the easiest and simplest ways of passing as a male is by wearing male clothes. Unlike female clothes that are designed to highlight curves, men’s clothing tends to be straighter and hides curves. If your body is curvy, wearing male clothes can help you hide your curves. In particular, straight cut pants from the men’s department can help create a flatter behind.

You should try to dress more conservatively that you might have before. This will help you to avoid being mistaken for a lesbian. Simply choose a male image you want to project and cultivate a look to suit that image.

Even out Your Chest

The chest is one of the areas that gives many FTM Transgender Guys a headache. This is because it is very hard to pass as a male when you have a curvy chest. If your chest does protrude, you should invest in a good binder to flatten it. Binding your chest flattens it and gives you a masculine appearance. There are multiple types, so you must do some research and choose the binding methodology that suits you best.

As a side point, binding yourself tightly for too long might be harmful because it causes rib and back pain. It is important to use moderation and give yourself a break from binding occasionally. Also, never use tape or elastic bandages when binding your chest

Get a Hair Cut

Long hair can have a negative impact on the male image you want to project. If you currently have medium length or long hair, it would be wise to consider a haircut. A good haircut that will certainly help you project a male image. Typical male hairstyles involve keeping your hair short in the back and on the sides.

It is often said that barbers do a much better job of providing a male haircut compared to hairdressers. However, it would be wise to try them both and see which one works better for you. You should not, however, under any circumstances take a pair of scissors and try to do the work yourself. Get a professional haircut, and it will be worth every penny.

Serenity VIP

A trans man can get too preoccupied with the idea of society. Whether the society accepts him, what should he do in order to make other people appreciate him and love him; all these questions bother him incessantly. In the process, he forgets to love himself.

The first step to making anybody else admire you is to love and value yourself. It’s as simple as that. But still, we look for recognition at all wrong places, changing ourselves beyond recognition; even torturing ourselves just to get the approval of other people. But it’s like a vicious circle. We don’t get anywhere. We get trapped in multiple images we have created of ourselves for the world to see. But none of these images match the real us. We have forgotten to love own self in the process.

It’s important for a trans man to break through those barriers of negativity that he has built all around himself. He has to stop seeing himself from the lens of so-called society. A transgender guy has to embark on a very personal inner journey, one that makes him connect with himself, one that makes him see his self in all its glories and follies and then loves it to the core.

Everybody gets enamored by narcissistic people. Why is that so? It is because we see in them a part of ourselves that we are almost scared to embrace. A bit of narcissism is good for all of us. As a trans guy, it also makes life somewhat less challenging for you. You deal with the practical problems of your life in a matter-of-fact way but you don’t let those build a wall of negativity around you. In other words, you stop seeing yourself in the light of others.

When you came out as a trans guy, not everyone supported you in that decision.  Maybe, even your family abandoned you. These are some harsh realities of life you have to learn to live with. And you don’t have the courage to accept these realities until you learn to be compassionate with yourself. When your world is centered around your own being, your heart also expands. You forgive others willingly and just concentrate on the pursuit of your goals, ambitions, and happiness.

This article tells you about some ways in which you can love yourself.

Pamper Yourself

The first step to loving yourself is taking pride in your physical appearance and being. Pamper yourself. Take time out to relax. Go for solo holidays. Shop generously whenever you get time. If you have a particular hobby, make some time for it. Treat yourself like a prince. Exercise regularly and eat super healthy. It is a psychological fact that when we look in the mirror and see good results in terms of fitness, skin glow, etc, our entire being radiates with positivity and happiness. And we spread this aura all around.

Make a list of your best qualities

Now, you don’t have to literally make a list. But just think of your best qualities and tell yourself about them. Everyone has certain attributes. Some people are very kind and compassionate. Others have a great sense of humor. Some have a lot of patience. Others have the ability to think spontaneously in any given situation and make quick decisions. What are your special qualities? Think about these and then remind yourself every day about your best attributes.

This might sound very strange but it will fill your life with motivation and confidence. As a trans man, you spend too much time thinking about your identity and how the world doesn’t accept it and all that. In the process, you fail to appreciate yourself as an individual. Reminding oneself of their best qualities every day helps break the cycle of negativity. You will learn to see yourself in a new light. As a trans guy, your attention will be diverted away from the problems of your life to the unique aura and power of your own personality.

Never Hold a Grudge Against Yourself

We all have a tendency to blame ourselves for something or the other. If some decision in the past went wrong, we remember it all the time and spend our present in regret. As a trans man, you have to break free of these shackles of negativity. You are only human at the end of the day. Nobody is perfect. Even heads of state make the biggest of blunders. The only way to fix a past mistake is to learn a lesson and move on. Holding a grudge against yourself is just going to get you miserable.

Look at Everything in a Positive Light

Now, this one is tricky. How do you look at horrible and negative experiences in a positive light? It’s not easy but very much possible. Suppose you dated someone through a transgender dating site. You guys met and everything and when you thought it was going really well, the whole thing just collapsed. This has made you so sensitive and edgy that you are off the idea of dating. But if you choose to look at that experience positively, your whole life will change. You got saved the burden of a terrible relationship. Think of it that way. Had you been with that person for long, maybe it could have been worse. So you just saved yourself and your energy.

Life is like a roller coaster ride. But even from the worst of experiences, we learn something valuable. And these bad experiences make all the good things that follow totally worthwhile. Once you learn to see everything in a positive light, you would stop being bitter and harsh on yourself.

Never Let a Relationship Decide Your Self-Worth

This is very common with people in love. Their mood and emotions get totally dependent on the relationship. Not just that, their self–worth too is determined by their partner’s perception of them. If your partner is positive and encouraging, you are lucky. But if you get to be with someone who constantly finds faults in you and makes you conscious about everything, it’s not good. Such a person will pretend to love you, maybe they do love you in their own way but this kind of love will be toxic for your identity as an individual. To learn where to draw the line. A relationship should never determine your self-worth and self-esteem.

If you are with someone who constantly makes you feel bad about yourself, they cannot be the right person for you. So have the courage to make yourself a priority and just walk out. Love and dating are all worth it but not at the expense of your own self. Chat with like-minded people through a trans dating site. Get to know them. But don’t get obsessed with the idea of dating and relationships. It is definitely a very important part of your life. But don’t let your whole life revolve around it. And don’t let it affect your self-worth.

If a girl you thought very hot and good-looking turned you down, it’s not the end of the world. Just get over it. She probably didn’t deserve you. If you keep on obsessing with the hotness of women and think of yourself as inferior all the time, it will affect your self-image badly. But if you just think of yourself as awesome, then you’ll just forget about that girl and laugh it off. As a trans man, make yourself the center of your universe.

Build a Strong Connection With Your Inner Self

It is important to recognize your inner self and have a dialogue with it on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean a literal dialogue but you got to forge a connection with your inner self. Take some time out of your busy schedule during which you do absolutely nothing. When we are constantly doing something or the other, our head is constantly buzzing with ideas. This state of frenzied activity leaves us excited and overwhelmed. In order to recognize one’s inner self, it’s important to cease all this activity for a while and revel in nothingness. This is the time set for you to draw deeper into the recesses of your inner self. You will draw deeper into your intuitive energies and understand yourself better.

It is not a conscious activity you can undertake. This happens subconsciously if you just let yourself be. Set a time every day during which you distance yourself from all the drama and just be still. In the stillness of these moments, you will discover your inner self. Meditation is also a great way to stay connected with your inner self.

Once you make a strong connection with the inner being, the external disturbances and perception of people around you will cease to matter. As a trans man, your being will radiate with positive energy. Every day will be full of opportunities and beautiful things to come. Negativity will be offshore. It would be a blissful state of being.

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